The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
120.0 h
Q1 and Q2
This learning unit is not open to incoming exchange students!
Main themes
The work experience is designed to complement and deepen the specialized focus on “Latin and French Cultures of the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period”. It is made up of 120 hours of work in an organization or institution (library, museum, archive, research center…) which might require the specific skills of a specialist of Medieval and Early Modern writings in French and Latin (for instance, with view to fully valorising their collections).
Learning outcomes
At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to : | |
put into practice, within a specific professional framework, the theoretical knowledge he/she has acquired in the field of Latin and French cultures of the Middle Ages and Early Modern period. |
Eligible institutions include: libraries, archive centres, museums or other institutions (e.g. monasteries), in Belgium or abroad, whose collections include early manuscripts or printed works in French or Latin from the period 500-1700, or writings in these languages and from this period preserved on other media (engravings, tapestries, bas-reliefs, objects, etc.); research centres whose work focuses in whole or in part on French and Latin languages and literature from the Middle Ages and/or Early Modern Times.
Teaching methods
It is up to the student to take the initiative in finding a location and work placement; the project is validated by the academic responsible for the placement.
Evaluation methods
At the end of the placement, the student will look back on the experience in a reflective way.
The student writes a report (approximately 30,000 characters, spaces included, excluding notes and detailed bibliography) which, in a sustained and correct language,
- describes the significant elements of the environment (institution, etc.) in which the student carried out his/her placement;
- gives a detailed account of the experience, documenting the tasks performed, problems encountered, solutions found, etc., and illustrating them in a concrete and detailed manner (in particular by commenting on the appendices, see below);
- describes the knowledge and skills acquired in connection with its training. A well-founded link must be made with one or more courses taken during the training;
- analyses his/her personal contribution to the host institution.
- attaches any documents produced during the placement (without forgetting to specify the nature of these documents).
The student must e-mail this report to the LAFR Master's administrative secretariat, no later than the 1st day of the session in which he/she has registered to present his/her internship.
In addition, the person in charge of the placement at the host institution writes a report based on an evaluation grid, which is sent to the examination board by the secretariat.
During the session, the student presents his/her report to the examination board, during an oral defence.
The oral presentation will focus on a specific point that the student draws from his/her experience and will not be a summary of the placement report. It will be made without electronic support and will not exceed 10 minutes.
Following this presentation, the jury awards a joint mark (the mark awarded by the placement supervisor at the host institution accounts for only 10% of the final mark).
The student writes a report (approximately 30,000 characters, spaces included, excluding notes and detailed bibliography) which, in a sustained and correct language,
- describes the significant elements of the environment (institution, etc.) in which the student carried out his/her placement;
- gives a detailed account of the experience, documenting the tasks performed, problems encountered, solutions found, etc., and illustrating them in a concrete and detailed manner (in particular by commenting on the appendices, see below);
- describes the knowledge and skills acquired in connection with its training. A well-founded link must be made with one or more courses taken during the training;
- analyses his/her personal contribution to the host institution.
- attaches any documents produced during the placement (without forgetting to specify the nature of these documents).
The student must e-mail this report to the LAFR Master's administrative secretariat, no later than the 1st day of the session in which he/she has registered to present his/her internship.
In addition, the person in charge of the placement at the host institution writes a report based on an evaluation grid, which is sent to the examination board by the secretariat.
During the session, the student presents his/her report to the examination board, during an oral defence.
The oral presentation will focus on a specific point that the student draws from his/her experience and will not be a summary of the placement report. It will be made without electronic support and will not exceed 10 minutes.
Following this presentation, the jury awards a joint mark (the mark awarded by the placement supervisor at the host institution accounts for only 10% of the final mark).
Other information
The work placement must be carried out in the academic year in which it is included in the student's annual programme.
Under no circumstances may it be carried out during the months of July and August preceding the academic year in which the student registers for the EAP.
Under no circumstances may it be carried out during the months of July and August preceding the academic year in which the student registers for the EAP.
Faculty or entity
Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)
Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Ancient and Modern Languages and Literatures