
llsmg2002  2025-2026  Louvain-la-Neuve

The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
30.0 h + 10.0 h
Main themes
The course covers 9 chapters of the reference work (Lambin & de Moerloose, 2021):
• Ch. 1. Marketing in the economy,
• Ch. 3. Understanding the customer,
• Ch. 4. Buyer behavior,
• Ch. 5. Marketing information,
• Ch. 6. Segmentation,
• Ch. 7. Analysis of the attractiveness of segments,
• Ch. 8. Analysis of competitiveness in the segments,
• Ch. 9. Targeting and positioning,
• Ch. 10. Choosing a marketing strategy
Teaching methods
1. The theoretical course is given two hours each week (presence is mandatory). The theoretical concepts are accompanied by illustrations of business cases and lectures by external speakers. During the course, exercises and case studies are also proposed; they will sometimes be worked on during the course.
2. The group assignment, In teams, students will have to develop their own strategic marketing plan for a chosen product/service/offering. The objective of this group assignment is to estimate the quality of the understanding and critical perspectives with respect to the theory covered by the course
Evaluation methods
The exam is individual and organized during exam sessions. It covers theoretical knowledge and its practical application (cases, articles, etc.). This exam is written, but if the number of students justifies it, the professor may decide to turn the written exam into an oral one (in-person or remote, via Teams for example).
The group work is defended as a team, but the grade can be individualized. It will be defended orally, based on a presentation, at the end of the semester. Attendance AND active participation in these sessions are mandatory and monitored. An insufficient attendance rate (see course plan) may lead to a downgrade of the individual grade for a student, or even its cancellation.
Grade distribution: If a grade equal to or greater than 7/20 is obtained for the individual exam, the grade distribution is as follows:
  • 65% individual written exam
  • 35% group work
If the exam grade is less than 7/20, the exam grade will count for 100%.
In the case of a retake session, the same grade distribution is used. It will be possible to improve the team assignment (only if <10/20 during the first session) and/or retake the exam (only if <10/20 during the first session).
Repeating students whose group work grade was deemed sufficient (>10/20) will be exempt from this part of the course, and their exam will account for 100% of the overall evaluation. Those who are not exempt are required to redo the group work.
All of this takes place in French.
Other information
1. The course is given in French. Assessments as well. The passive knowledge of English is necessary because course slides are in English.
2. This course is part of a full-time daytime degree (GEST2M1). Attendance at class is mandatory, it will sometimes be checked (eg during conferences).
     LAMBIN, Jean-Jacques, & de MOERLOOSE, Chantal (2021). Le Marketing Stratégique et Opérationnel. 10° éd. Dunod. 
Teaching materials
  • LAMBIN J.J., de MOERLOOSE Ch. (2021) Le Marketing Stratégique et Opérationnel. 10° Edition. Malakoff, Dunod.
  • Site Moodle LLSMG2002
  • - Kotler, P., Keller, K. L., Manceau D., Hemonnet-goujot A. (2022). Gestion du marketing 16e édition Pearson Education Ltd.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [60] in Management