The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
22.5 h + 7.5 h
Main themes
The course aims at providing tools enabling the students to elicit critical thinking on ethical, social and environmental issues raised by contemporary organizations. The specificity of the firms' impact on economic life will be addressed by analyzing the principles and practices covered by the field of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). CSR will be studied as a reflector of the modern firms' self-awareness process in terms of social responsibility and as a source of innovation in the face of today's challenges of competitiveness, sustainable development and transparent corporate governance. The theoretical references will moreover give way to more personal questioning periods developed by the students in terms of their own aspirations, perceptions and observations as citizens. All these elements foster personal change that in its turn conveys transformations within the chosen organizations.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to : | |
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The 2024-2025 course will cover the following Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) topics:
- Defining CSR.
- Understanding CSR by comparison to related concepts: sustainability, compliance, stakeholder management.
- Positionning CSR in the supply chain
- Analyzing forms of and motives for CSR.
- Discovering CSR reporting and discussing the role of CSR-related labels and certifications.
- Identifying washing and corporate hypocrisy.
- Reflecting on the role of individuals in CSR.
- Getting a snapshot of current CSR research.
- Going further with critical perspectives on CSR.
Teaching methods
- Lectures based on academic research illustrated by pratical examples.
- Testimonials from companies.
- Practical sessions for the group case study.
- Reports with feedbacks.
- Discussions in class and practical sessions.
Evaluation methods
First session
The course evaluation contains individual and group assignments. The grade is composed of two parts:
- A personal reflection essay. This individual assignment accounts for 5% of the final grade.
- An individual exam. Each student will take an exam at the end of the course. This exam includes multiple-choice questions and open questions. The individual exam accounts for 65% of the final grade.
Second session
A student who does not pass the course in January will take a new exam in August. The final grade will be composed solely of the grade obtained for this exam. The grades from the case study and individual assignments will not count. The August exam is longer than the November exam.
The course evaluation contains individual and group assignments. The grade is composed of two parts:
- A personal reflection essay. This individual assignment accounts for 5% of the final grade.
- An individual exam. Each student will take an exam at the end of the course. This exam includes multiple-choice questions and open questions. The individual exam accounts for 65% of the final grade.
Second session
A student who does not pass the course in January will take a new exam in August. The final grade will be composed solely of the grade obtained for this exam. The grades from the case study and individual assignments will not count. The August exam is longer than the November exam.
Online resources
See on Moodle
Faculty or entity