Sustainable Hydrogen Technologies

lmapr2147  2025-2026  Louvain-la-Neuve

Sustainable Hydrogen Technologies
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
30.0 h + 30.0 h

This biannual learning unit is being organized in 2025-2026
Bachelor degree in Sciences or Engineering
Main themes
This course aims to provide students on a Master level in Sciences or Engineering with a basic training in all aspects of the hydrogen economy, not only from a technological perspective but also in a much broader economical and geopolitical context. It covers all aspects of the hydrogen value chain, including hydrogen production, use, storage & transport. Lectures will not only deal with specific materials- or chemistry related technical aspects, but also with markets, infrastructure and regulations.
The course is made up of 4 different modules related to the above-described topics. Each module will have its own dedicated e-learning platform, including pre-recorded lectures, course materials, virtual laboratories, home work, and self-assessment quizzes. This platform will be implemented digitally and made available on-line, so that the course can also be followed and studied without the need to be physically present.
Module 1 : Sustainable hydrogen production
In a first module, an overview will be provided of all relevant hydrogen production technologies, with a specific emphasis on their sustainable character ("colours" of hydrogen). These include low- and high-temperature water electrolysis (green H2), photolysis (yellow H2), Steam Methane Reforming (SMR, grey and blue H2) and Methane pyrolysis (turquoise H2). Both chemical and materials related processing aspects of each technology will be included, as well as a more formal techno-economical comparison.
Module 2 : Sustainable hydrogen applications
In a follow-up module, the use of hydrogen will be discussed in 3 main sectors : transport, buildings and industry. A distinction will be made as to sustainable applications aiming to use H2 either as a chemical feedstock (e.g. for methanol and ammonia synthesis or as a chemical reductant in the glass and steel industry) or as an energy carrier (e.g. for combustion in fuel cells, engines or furnaces).
Module 3 : Hydrogen transport, storage & infrastructure
This module will cover all aspects of the hydrogen supply chain, from compression, transport & storage (incl. materials implications), to distribution, and use cases in specific industrial sectors or territories.
Module 4 : Hydrogen markets, geopolitics & regulations
This module will deal with market developments and regulatory frameworks, as an important basis for technical development, industrial employment, and public roll-out. Specific lectures will be dedicated to the implication of using hydrogen in vehicles, stationary and portable applications. Finally, an overview of hydrogen markets, market players, and future infrastructure developments will be given.
Teaching methods
The course is based on lectures and exercise-based learning, offered partly in the form of classical in person lectures as well as inversed classes. The latter will be based on full e-learning modules (including pre-recorded lectures, course materials, virtual laboratories, home work, self-assessment quizzes) that will be implemented digitally and made available on-line, so that the course can be followed and studied without the need to be physically present.
Based on its content itself, this course directly contributes to questions related to sustainable development, in particular with respect to the key role of hydrogen in the energy transition.
Evaluation methods
For the coursework (vol. 1), the evaluation is either in written form or orally, to be determined every year depending on the number of students. Physical presence may be required for the evaluation of some specific modules. For the exercise part (vol. 2), a separate exam might be organized during the semester, the modalities of which will be communicated at the beginning of the course.
The course evaluation may include continueous assignments outside the exam sessions, which will result in a single overall mark, communicated no later than before the June session. Failure to comply with the methodological instructions, particularly with regard to the use of online resources or collaboration between students, for any assignment will result in an overall mark of 0 for this continuous assessment.
Other information
The course is part of the European project KlCstartH2, entitled "Accelerating Sustainable Hydrogen Uptake Through Innovation and Education" and funded under the 2nd call for proposals of the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) Higher Education Institutions (HEI) Initiative on Innovation Capacity Building for Higher Education. From that perspective, one of the course objectives is also to promote innovation and entrepreneurial skills amongst students and foster the transfer of knowledge related to sustainable hydrogen technologies between academia and industry.
Online resources
Moodle site LMAPR2147
Both a copy of the course slides as well as the class recordings will be made available to the students in the form of e-learning modules. The total contents of matter that is subject to examination is not limited to the course support, but includes everything that has been said or shown during the course, either orally, on screen or by other media. 
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Chemical and Materials Engineering