The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
30.0 h + 90.0 h
Q1 and Q2
Students have reached level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages in Dutch.
Main themes
- Speaking and listening comprehension exercises aimed at improving oral skills (pronunciation, intonation, accentuation) as well as communicative skills.
- Written expression exercises: production of clear, structured written texts of a personal or argumentative nature, paying particular attention to style, code and content.
- Listening and reading comprehension exercises integrated with oral and written production exercises.
- Exercices linked to the 4 skills and designed to broaden vocabulary and increase grammatical accuracy.
- These exercises will focus on topics relating to Dutch-speaking society as a whole.
- Oral expression and listening comprehension exercises aimed at improving oral skills (pronunciation, intonation, accentuation) as well as communicative skills.
- Written expression exercises: production of clear, structured written texts, paying particular attention to style, code and content.
- Listening and reading comprehension exercises integrated with oral and written production exercises.
- Exercises linked around the 4 skills, designed to broaden vocabulary and increase grammatical accuracy.
- Exercises will focus on topics relating to Dutch-speaking society as a whole.
Teaching methods
This teaching unit is given face-to-face and partially in e-learning.
60 hours of face-to-face lessons in small groups (4 hours per week).
30 hours of face-to-face lessons in small groups of max. 15 students (2 hours per week).
Interactive lectures accompanied by practical exercises and independent work.
This teaching unit is given face-to-face and partially in e-learning.
60 hours of face-to-face lessons in small groups (4 hours per week).
- presentation of "basic texts" (articles and sound recordings) relating to the thematic areas mentioned above, on which oral and written expression and listening comprehension are based, oral production activities (role-plays, debates, conversations, etc.) (2 hours).
- Listening comprehension and written expression exercises (2 hours).
- systematic study of vocabulary, integrated into listening and reading comprehension exercises;
- preparation of reading, listening and speaking exercises;
- updating of notes, revision;
- revision of basic grammar (theory and individual exercises, to be carried out with the e-learning platform Moodle)
30 hours of face-to-face lessons in small groups of max. 15 students (2 hours per week).
- Presentation of "basic texts" (articles and sound recordings) in the above-mentioned thematic areas, on which oral and written expression and listening comprehension are based, and oral production activities (role-plays, debates, conversations, etc.).
- Systematic study of vocabulary, integrated into listening and reading comprehension exercises;
- preparation of reading, listening and speaking exercises;
- listening comprehension and written expression exercises to be carried out with the e-learning platform Moodle.
- updating notes, revision;
- revision of basic grammar (theory and individual exercises, to be done with the e-learning platform Moodle)
Interactive lectures accompanied by practical exercises and independent work.
Evaluation methods
A test will be organised during the semester in the form of continuous monitoring.
The evaluation will consist of four parts, in accordance with the objectives pursued and will deal with the same topics as those covered (convergent use of the acquis). The assessment of the code (vocabulary and grammar) will be integrated into the assessments of skills (oral and written).
All tests during the January session are compulsory. If you are absent (without official justification) for any part of the assessment, this will imply an "absence" mark for the whole assessment. A student who fails to take part of the assessment will therefore be disqualified from taking the other parts of the assessment. If you are absent without official justification for tests during the term, you will receive a 0/20 for the test(s). The oral examination is based on the content of the texts seen and a video in Dutch which the student has compiled in the course of the semester. Without a video, the student cannot participate in the oral examination.
Attendance at the course is compulsory. If the teacher deems it useful, he/she may propose to the jury to oppose the registration to the course examination of a student who has not followed the learning activities regularly (RGEE - art. 72).
In the June/September session, the student is required to re-submit all the material for the written examination + the oral examination. The mark for the permanent assessmen (= the presentation), obtained during the year, is given when it is in the student's favour. In the June/September examination, the student therefore only retakes the written part and the oral examination, not the presentations. If the student has not yet done so during the year, they must create a video for this June/September session. Q 2
Assessment is continuous (tests, assignments, participation, etc.) and certificative (oral and written exams). It will cover
the following parts:
- listening comprehension
- oral expression
- vocabulary
- command of the language
- knowledge of Dutch-speaking countries and regions
Students who obtain an unsatisfactory mark in any part of the course will automatically receive a failing grade for the whole course and will be required to retake that part during the September session.
Generative artificial intelligence (AI) must be used responsibly and in accordance with the practices of academic and scientific integrity. As scientific integrity requires that sources be cited, the use of AI must always be reported. The use of artificial intelligence for LNED1136 tests and examinations is explicitly forbidden and will be considered as cheating.
A test will be organised during the semester in the form of continuous monitoring.
The evaluation will consist of four parts, in accordance with the objectives pursued and will deal with the same topics as those covered (convergent use of the acquis). The assessment of the code (vocabulary and grammar) will be integrated into the assessments of skills (oral and written).
test 1 | exam | total | |
Listening comprehension assessment (analytical and global) | 5% | 10% | 15% |
Reading comprehension assessment + vocabulary | 10% | 25% | 35% |
Assessment of written expression | 5% | 15% | 20% |
Assessment of oral expression (individual and interactive) | presentation : 10% video: 10% | 10% | 30% |
All tests during the January session are compulsory. If you are absent (without official justification) for any part of the assessment, this will imply an "absence" mark for the whole assessment. A student who fails to take part of the assessment will therefore be disqualified from taking the other parts of the assessment. If you are absent without official justification for tests during the term, you will receive a 0/20 for the test(s). The oral examination is based on the content of the texts seen and a video in Dutch which the student has compiled in the course of the semester. Without a video, the student cannot participate in the oral examination.
Attendance at the course is compulsory. If the teacher deems it useful, he/she may propose to the jury to oppose the registration to the course examination of a student who has not followed the learning activities regularly (RGEE - art. 72).
In the June/September session, the student is required to re-submit all the material for the written examination + the oral examination. The mark for the permanent assessmen (= the presentation), obtained during the year, is given when it is in the student's favour. In the June/September examination, the student therefore only retakes the written part and the oral examination, not the presentations. If the student has not yet done so during the year, they must create a video for this June/September session. Q 2
Assessment is continuous (tests, assignments, participation, etc.) and certificative (oral and written exams). It will cover
the following parts:
- listening comprehension
- oral expression
- vocabulary
- command of the language
- knowledge of Dutch-speaking countries and regions
Students who obtain an unsatisfactory mark in any part of the course will automatically receive a failing grade for the whole course and will be required to retake that part during the September session.
Generative artificial intelligence (AI) must be used responsibly and in accordance with the practices of academic and scientific integrity. As scientific integrity requires that sources be cited, the use of AI must always be reported. The use of artificial intelligence for LNED1136 tests and examinations is explicitly forbidden and will be considered as cheating.
Other information
- The teacher is available during his office-hour(s) and can be contacted by e-mail.
Online resources
Moodle groups
Moodle groups
- Comprendre et exploiter de textes d’actualité (M. Baelen, P. Degrave, K. De Rycke, Ph. Hiligsmann, De Boeck Supérieur, 2018).
- Thematische woordenschat Nederlands voor anderstaligen (Loo, van e.a., Intertaal, 2013) (les 1000 mots les plus fréquents).
- 100 fautes (Ph. Hiligsmann, P. Degrave, K. Van Goethem & L. Rasier, De Boeck Université, à paraître en octobre/novembre 2014).
Teaching materials
- LNED1136 Q1 Nederlandse taal en maatschappij (sur Moodle)
Faculty or entity
Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)
Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Modern Languages and Literatures: German, Dutch and English
Bachelor in Ancient and Modern Languages and Literatures
Minor in Dutch language and culture (only available for reenrolment)
Bachelor in French and Romance Languages and Literatures : General
Bachelor in Modern Languages and Literatures : General
Bachelor in Law
Minor in Dutch language and culture