General Dutch - Intermediate level - part 1

lneer1230  2025-2026  Louvain-la-Neuve

General Dutch - Intermediate level - part 1
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
3.00 credits
15.0 h
The student should have followed the teaching unit corresponding (at least) to level A2 of the "Common European Framework of Reference for Languages" (European Council).
Main themes
This teaching unit  is structured around different subjects (e.g. hobbies, travel, home, advertisement, student life, health, ...) related to the general (non-specific) domain.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 Reading Comprehension
  • to understand the significant points of a direct and non-complex newspaper article.
  • to read and show a satisfactory level of understanding of factual texts about subjects of personal interest.
B1 level of the "Common European Framework of Reference for Languages"
2 Individual Listening Comprehension

At the end of this teaching unit the student should be able
  • to understand the main points of TV-programmes about familiar subjects, provided that the language is pronounced clearly.
  • to follow the general plan of short presentations about familiar subjects, provided that the language is pronounced clearly.
Interactive Listening Comprehension

At the end of this teaching unit the student should be able to
  • follow a clearly articulated speech within an everyday conversation, occasionally having some words or expressions repeated.
B1 level of the "Common European Framework of Reference for Languages"
3 Individual Speaking Skills

At the end of this teaching unit the student should be able
  • to make a short presentation about a subject related to his/her everyday life, be able to give short explanations and justifications for his/her opinions, plans and actions.
  • to easily carry out a direct and non-complex description of subjects related to his/her interests and everyday life as well of subjects dealt with in class.
Interactive Speaking Skills
At the end of this teaching unit the student should be able
  • to face a limited number of direct and simple questions
  • to take part in a conversation about a familiar subject, express his/her personal opinion and exchange information about that subject (holidays, family, hobbies, ')
B1-  level of the "Common European Framework of Reference for Languages"
4 Writing Skills :  /
5 Code:
  • Knowledge of basic vocabulary (2000 basic words) and structures of Dutch. Reinforcement and extension of vocabulary.
  • As far as speaking skills are concerned, the course focuses more on communicative skills than on correction.
For all the skills aforementioned: introduction to Flemish and Dutch culture.
This teaching unit involves that basic vocabulary and structures are trained, reinforced and expanded in order to prepare the students for the next teaching unit.
Teaching methods
  • Lessons in groups of max. 25 students.
  • Workload 
    classroom hours = 15 h
    homework (including selftuition) = 90 h
  • We will use the 'flipped classroom' approach for this class and deal with the selftuition material students will have prepared on the Moodle platform before coming to class. TIsh cours counts for 3 ECTS and consists of 15 contact hours organised as follows : 2 hours every other week. The presence of the students at each session is compulsory. In principle, every 2-hour session implies 8 hours of previous aunomous study by the students. The cours is divided into 5 themes linked to daily life :
  1. Life in a student town
  2. Youth culture  
  3. Food and health
  4. Discovering the world
  5. Money and advertising
Revision and extension of general lexical knowledge and of specific vocabulary linked to the themes dealt with.
  • Revision, autonomously, of the grammatical structures specific toeh the Dutch language with the help of a power point diaporama on Moodle and the theory in the syllabus. Addtionnal productive exercises are done in class.
  • Activation of receptive skills in class based on self tuition material.
  • Oral conversation practice by means of role plays, etc.
Evaluation methods

MAY/JUNE exam session

Continuous assessment - written examen - interactive oral exam
Continuous assessment :
  • 4 tests (/2)
  • 1 group activity as preparation for the oral evaluation. Groups of 3 to 4 students make a video where they film themselvers. The video deals with one of the themes dealt with during the course. This video will be a starting point for the discussion at the oral exam. (/1)
Written exam:
  • June examen session: written exam on the programme seen in the term : vocabulary, grammar, reading en listerning comprehension. (/14)
Oral exam:
  • In week 13: interactive oral examn in groups of 3 to 4 students. (/3). The groups are the ones which realised the videos. Questions will also be asked about the other 4 themes dealt with during the course.
The oral exam is part of the whole evaluation process and is compulsory. 
The making of the video in group is a necessary condition to take part in the oral exam.
Therefore, a student who does not make the video cannot participate in the oral exam nor at the written exam in june. This student will get 0 for the whole evaluation. cf. RGEE. Art.72.

August/september exam session

At the september session, the student has to do the written exam (/16). The mark obtained at the oral exam in may will be taken into account if this is in favour of the student (/4). Otherwise,the final exam will count for 20 marks.
The student who has not made the video and done the oral exam in May, will have to do it in september.
No student will be allowed to take part in the written exam without having realised the previous tasks (video in group + oral examen).
Other information
It is possible to be exempted from this teaching unit :a compulsory entrance test will be available on Moodle in September: Test d'entrée obligatoire ESPO 2024-25
Students with a high score on this test will be able to take a dispensatory test in October if they wish to apply for an exemption. Details will be sent to these students by e-mail in early October.
This is the only valid procedure for obtaining an exemption. We do not dispense on the basis of external certificates.
Students with a low score on this test will be invited to take LNEER 1130P to bring themselves up to standard before taking LNEER 1230 in the second term.
  • Syllabus de cours et matériel de révision en autodidacte
  • Textes et exercices sur la plate-forme Moodle
    Self-study course syllabus and revision material
    Texts and exercises on the Moodle platform
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Philosophy, Politics and Economics