The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
4.00 credits
60.0 h
Q1 and Q2
Barroo Sarah (coordinator); Dachy Valérie;
This teaching unit is intended for real beginners i.e. for students who studied only one foreign language at school (either English or German) and subsequently never studied Dutch as well as for students who followed only 2 hours a week of Dutch during two years.
The 30 hours of the first semester are remedial hours intended to learn or revise the basic elements of Dutch (level A1 of the CEFRL).
The 30 hours of the first semester are remedial hours intended to learn or revise the basic elements of Dutch (level A1 of the CEFRL).
Main themes
This teaching unit is structured around subjects reflecting cultural and everyday life in Flanders.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to : | |
1 | Reading Comprehension:
2 | Listening Comprehension - Individual :
3 | Speaking Skills - Individual :
4 | Writing Skills:
5 | Code
Culture: In the development of all the above-mentioned skills the course will aim at making the students aware of Dutch and Flemish cultural aspects. |
This teaching unit involves
- the elementary vocabulary and the basic Dutch structures, the understanding of these structures will be consolidated by means of oral and written exercices, a first approach to legal vocabulary in Q2,
- the complete range of skills (listening, reading, writing and speaking) and the supporting material reflects everyday life in Flanders.
Teaching methods
Teaching methodsDepending on the health situation, classes will be taught either face-to-face or online (on Teams)
Classroom: 60 h
Self-study: 60 hours
Book: "Vanzelfsprekend" (references: Instituut voor Levende Talen - KULeuven, Vanzelfsprekend, Nederlands voor anderstaligen/Dutch as a foreign language, Acco).
Tekstboek and Werkboek
ISBN: 978-94-634-4698-3 ISBN: 978-94-634-4699-0
Where ? at the DUC in LLN
10 chapters
Price : +- 70 euros
Classroom: 60 h
Self-study: 60 hours
Book: "Vanzelfsprekend" (references: Instituut voor Levende Talen - KULeuven, Vanzelfsprekend, Nederlands voor anderstaligen/Dutch as a foreign language, Acco).
Tekstboek and Werkboek
ISBN: 978-94-634-4698-3 ISBN: 978-94-634-4699-0
Where ? at the DUC in LLN
10 chapters
Price : +- 70 euros
Evaluation methods
Breakdown | - Permanent assessment : 1 individual task & 1 joint task - 3 points - Test Deel 1 & 2 (grammar & vocabulary) - in class - 3 points - Written partial: Deel 1 to 4 inclusive (grammar, vocabulary & written expression) - in auditorium - week 13 or 14 (depending on the availability of auditoria) - 14 points |
Breakdown | - Allocation of the January mark (if greater than or equal to 10/20) OR written part Q1 bis in May at the end of the semester - 4 points - Permanent assessment: 1 individual task - 2 points - Test Deel 5 (vocabulary) - in class - 1 point -- Test Deel 6 (grammar & vocabulary) - in class - 2 points - Written exam : Deel 5 to 9 inclusive + passive and imperfect + legal voc. (grammar, vocabulary, written expression & reading) + compulsory Q1bis written part if January mark below 10/20 - in an auditorium at the end of the term (outside exam session) - 11 points (+ 4 points if Q1bis submitted) There is no oral exam. |
Breakdown | - Written exam : Deel 1 to 9 inclusive + passive and imperfect + legal voc. (grammar, vocabulary, written expression & reading) - in auditorium - 18 points - Permanent assessment Q2 if in student's favour - 2 points. If this is not the case, we will disregard it and only count the written exam (/20). There is no oral exam. |
Other information
This elementary course is intended for real beginners.
Online resources
> Moodle (course + GRAM & U)
> Wooflash
> Sofialearn
> ...
> Wooflash
> Sofialearn
> ...
Teaching materials
- Le manuel Vanzelfsprekend (réf.: Instituut voor Levende Talen – KULeuven, Vanzelfsprekend, Nederlands voor anderstaligen/néerlandais langue étrangère, Acco). Tekstboek et Werkboek ISBN : 978-94-634-4698-3 ISBN : 978-94-634-4699-0
- La page Moodle du cours
- L'équipe Teams spécifique au groupe cours (si celui-ci existe)
- L'équipe Teams du cours général LNEER1820
- Le cours Wooflash de ce cours
Faculty or entity