The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
4.00 credits
30.0 h
Q1 and Q2
Demeulenaere Isabelle (coordinator);
This teaching unit being of upper-intermediate level, a good productive command of basic grammar and vocabulary as well as the command of the language skills as described in the teaching unit of intermediate level (LNEER1821) are required.
A placement test is organised at the beginning of the year to define which students can attend this course.
A placement test is organised at the beginning of the year to define which students can attend this course.
Main themes
This teaching unit is based on written and spoken texts concerned with contemporary and field-related subjects.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to : | |
1 | Reading Comprehension
2 | Listening Comprehension - Individual :
3 | Speaking Skills - Individual :
4 | Code
Culture In the development of all the above-mentioned skills the course will aim at making the students aware of Dutch and Flemish cultural aspects. |
This teaching unit involves
- the revision and extension of general vocabulary as well as specific (field-related) vocabulary,
- the revision of specific Dutch structures (passive voice, inversion, subordination, "voornaamwoordelijk bijwoord", "er"). The understanding of these structures will be consolidated by means of oral and written exercices,
- the training and development of reading, listening and speaking skills.
Teaching methods
- Lessons in groups of 20 to 25 students.
- Revision and extension of basis vocabulary, general and specitif do the study field. (book 'Introduction au vocabulaire juridique' - De Boeck Supérieur - I. Demeulenaere
- Revision of specific Dutch structures. They are presented in context; exercised and consolidated by means of oral and written exercises.
- Training and development of reading and listening skills followed by productive writing and speaking exercises.
- The students will also have to take part in a Tandem project in partnership with the KU Leuven. All the information about this project will be given at the beginning of the academic year.
Evaluation methods
A placement test is organised at the beginning of the year to define which students can attend this course.
Possibility to obtain an exemption: the students who get 15/20 (or more) at the placement test, will be given the possibility of taking an exemption test. Provided they obtain at least 12/20 at this test, they can be exempted from the course and the exam.
The students will take part in the TANDEM project. Presence at the match-up evening en final event is compulsory. During the year, the student will realise a portfolio presenting all the tasks accomplished with his/her tandem partner. The realisation of all these tasks will count for 20% of the final mark (4 points) --> 5% for the 1st term, i.e. 1 point, and 15% for the 2nd term, i.e. 3 points.
A written exam will be organized at the end of the 1st term, in an auditorium. This exam will count for 5 points.
The mark received by the student at the end of the 1st term, will reflect the mark for the written examn at the end of the 1st term. If this mark is inferior to 10/20, the student will have to take this part of the exam again at the following exam session, in May/June. The full marks for the TANDEM project will be integrated in the final mark in June.
A written exam will be organized at the end of the 2nd term, in an auditorium. This examen will count for 7 points.
An individual oral exam will also be organized in week 13 of the 2nd term. This exam will count for 4 points. EXAM SESSION AUGUST/SEPTEMBER
At the exam session in August/September, one unique exam will be organised on the course material covering the whole academic year (1st and 2nd term). This exam will count for 12 points. The marks for the Tandem Project will be taken into account if this is in favour of the student. Otherwise, this exam will count for 16 points. An oral exam will be organized, which will count for 4 points.
A student who got 10 or more as a partial mark in january, but whose final mark in june is lower than 10, will have to take this final exam on the course material covering the whole academic year.
Possibility to obtain an exemption: the students who get 15/20 (or more) at the placement test, will be given the possibility of taking an exemption test. Provided they obtain at least 12/20 at this test, they can be exempted from the course and the exam.
The students will take part in the TANDEM project. Presence at the match-up evening en final event is compulsory. During the year, the student will realise a portfolio presenting all the tasks accomplished with his/her tandem partner. The realisation of all these tasks will count for 20% of the final mark (4 points) --> 5% for the 1st term, i.e. 1 point, and 15% for the 2nd term, i.e. 3 points.
A written exam will be organized at the end of the 1st term, in an auditorium. This exam will count for 5 points.
The mark received by the student at the end of the 1st term, will reflect the mark for the written examn at the end of the 1st term. If this mark is inferior to 10/20, the student will have to take this part of the exam again at the following exam session, in May/June. The full marks for the TANDEM project will be integrated in the final mark in June.
A written exam will be organized at the end of the 2nd term, in an auditorium. This examen will count for 7 points.
An individual oral exam will also be organized in week 13 of the 2nd term. This exam will count for 4 points. EXAM SESSION AUGUST/SEPTEMBER
At the exam session in August/September, one unique exam will be organised on the course material covering the whole academic year (1st and 2nd term). This exam will count for 12 points. The marks for the Tandem Project will be taken into account if this is in favour of the student. Otherwise, this exam will count for 16 points. An oral exam will be organized, which will count for 4 points.
A student who got 10 or more as a partial mark in january, but whose final mark in june is lower than 10, will have to take this final exam on the course material covering the whole academic year.
Online resources
Teaching materials
- 'Introduction au néerlandais juridique', K. De Rycke, I. Demeulenaere, L. Schrijvers, MP Vanelderen, éditions De Boeck supérieur
- Plateforme Moodle
Faculty or entity