The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
30.0 h
Q1 and Q2
Lambrecht Marie-Laurence; Schrijvers Lutgarde (coordinator);
Students should have a good receptive knowledge of the basic grammar and vocabulary and have reached a LOWER B1 level (reading, listening and speaking) of the " Common European Framework of reference for Languages " (CEFR).
Main themes
The course is structured around different themes related primarily to the professional world in which the student is meant to function in the future. Current affairs will also be discussed through the reading of newspaper articles.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to : | |
1 | Reading comprehension: B2 level of the CEFR
2 | Listening comprehension: B2- level of the CEFR
3 | Speaking skills : B2- level of the CEFR
4 | Writing skills : B1 level of the CEFR
5 | Code Expansion of basic vocabulary (2000 basic words) and reinforcement of specific Dutch grammatical structures. As far as speaking skills are concerned, the course focuses more on communicative skills than on correction. Culture For all the skills aforementioned: introduction to Flemish and Dutch culture. The capacity to appreciate the values transmitted by this culture is developed through different fields (social, political, economical). |
- Command of the code : general and specific vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation
- Command of functions of language for oral communication: introducing, explaining, opposing, negotiating, concluding, expressing agreement or disagreement, interrupting, managing an informal discussion or a meeting, expressing opinion aso.
- Interaction in everyday life and in professional environments
- Oral presentations
- Job interview exercises and writing a cover letter
Teaching methods
The course is mainly oriented towards oral production. The activities aim to develop spontaneous communication while mastering the code (grammar and vocabulary)
Various professional communication techniques are put into practice: meetings, role-plays, debates, presentations, writing of a formal letter
The students will produce a LinkedIn page in Dutch and will present it in class
Students will also go to Flanders to attend an event and interview Flemish speakers, and will sound edit it.
Students will work in pairs in Flanders, as well as for a presentation about the language policy of a company (in CORP and STIC) / for a presentation of a press review (in EJL)
Meetings will be held in class in groups of four.
Various professional communication techniques are put into practice: meetings, role-plays, debates, presentations, writing of a formal letter
The students will produce a LinkedIn page in Dutch and will present it in class
Students will also go to Flanders to attend an event and interview Flemish speakers, and will sound edit it.
Students will work in pairs in Flanders, as well as for a presentation about the language policy of a company (in CORP and STIC) / for a presentation of a press review (in EJL)
Meetings will be held in class in groups of four.
Evaluation methods
The LNEER2501 course is a CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT course, with various components, all of which are assessed during the PERIODS OF CLASS (not during the exam sessions, except for the components taken in the August/September session):
For the SEPTEMBER session, all the Q1 and Q2 components are included (apart from participation, which can not be improved) but students are allowed to report one or several marks for components obtained in the previous session. Students are free to decide which components they want to improve. They will send an e-mail with their choice to their teacher by the 6th of July at the latest.
- 2 written vocabulary tests about the vocabulary of the course notes (per theme): 10% of the final mark
- Presentation of the Dutch Linked In profile (Q1): 10% of the final mark
- Job interview (Q1): 10% of the final mark
- Writing of a cover letter (Q1): 5% of the final mark
- Class participation Q1: 5% of the final mark
- Second oral presentation in pairs about the VRT TV news program /about an evant as presented in 4 Flemish newspapers / about fakenews /about the language policy in a large Belgian company (Q2): 10% of the final mark
- In pairs, video recording about an event in Flanders attended by the students + interviewing Flemish people at the event (Q2): 10% of the final mark
- Oral test (meeting) in groups of 3/4/5 students: simulation of a real professional communication situation (Q2): 15% of the final mark
- Individual oral test: discussion about a reading file: 10% of the final mark.
- Class participation Q2: 5% of the final mark NB. If another sanitary crisis prevents students from traveling by train to Flanders, the presentation about the language policy of a company/of the press review will then account for 15%, and the discussion about the reading file will then also account for 15%
For the SEPTEMBER session, all the Q1 and Q2 components are included (apart from participation, which can not be improved) but students are allowed to report one or several marks for components obtained in the previous session. Students are free to decide which components they want to improve. They will send an e-mail with their choice to their teacher by the 6th of July at the latest.
Other information
Class attendance is obligatory. From two unjustified absences per term onwards, the student's participation mark for that term will be 0/10.
Online resources
The Moodle page is used for enrolling in a group.
During the rest of the year the Moodle page is not used in CORP nor in STIC.
The Moodle page is used for enrolling in a group.
During the rest of the year the Moodle page is not used in CORP nor in STIC.
- Nederlands, séminaire d'insertion professionnelle, LNEER2501
Teaching materials
- Nederlands, séminaire d'insertion professionnelle, LNEER2501
Faculty or entity