The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
22.5 h + 20.0 h
Main themes
The basic notions of thermodynamics are then introduced. The concepts of thermodynamic state, pressure and temperature are defined. Internal energy and the first principle of thermodynamics as well as entropy and the second principle of thermodynamics are then presented. Equilibrium conditions and applications (including cycles and thermal machines) are studied.
Finally, we describe the kinetic theory of gases, the macroscopic properties of perfect gases and the phase changes of pure bodies.
In addition, during the semester, a conference on recent physics news in relation to the teaching unit is organized. The participation of students to this conference is mandatory.
Finally, we describe the kinetic theory of gases, the macroscopic properties of perfect gases and the phase changes of pure bodies.
In addition, during the semester, a conference on recent physics news in relation to the teaching unit is organized. The participation of students to this conference is mandatory.
- Fundamental notions
- Work and heat
- Internal energy and the first law
- The enthalpy
- Perfect and real gases: microscopic approach
- Entropy and the second law
- Thermodynamic potentials and functions
- Phase changes of a pure body
- Thermal machines
Teaching methods
The teaching activities include (1) the theoretical course (9 sessions of 2 hours each), (2) the guided exercises (8 sessions of 2 hours each), (3) a practical laboratory work (1 sessions of 2 hours), (4) the tutorial, (5) a conference of 2 hours on the importance of thermodynamics in meteorology-climatology, and (6) and the workshops organized the the AccESST unit (optional).
It is essential to have a simple scientific calculator for the guided exercise sessions and the practical laboratory work.
The different subjects are presented in the theoretical course via slides and blackboard notes. The fundamental concepts are illustrated using applications from modern life, short films or animations, and experiments. The guided exercises play an essential role in the comprehension of the theoretical course and allow the application of the studied theoretical concepts to real problems. The list of problems to be solved during an exercise session and a list of additional problems are posted on the LPHYS1114 MoodleUCLouvain website no later one week prior to the exercise session. Preparation of the problems to be solved is crucial. Participation in the practical laboratory session is mandatory. A description of the tasks to be carried out in the laboratory is posted on the LPHYS1114 MoodleUCLouvain website about one week prior to the session. It is essential that this description be read carefully and the online test be performed to access the session. This test is open to participation on the Thursday before the session. Access to the laboratory is not conditional on succeeding this test, but the test must be performed in order to access the session. A laboratory report must be written and submitted after the session. This report is evaluated. A tutorial, during which the students may ask their questions to the teaching team, is held several times during the semester. The best approach is to work consistently throughout the semester. In particular, it is essential that students regularly solve the exercises themselves, and do not simply read the solutions.
It is essential to have a simple scientific calculator for the guided exercise sessions and the practical laboratory work.
The different subjects are presented in the theoretical course via slides and blackboard notes. The fundamental concepts are illustrated using applications from modern life, short films or animations, and experiments. The guided exercises play an essential role in the comprehension of the theoretical course and allow the application of the studied theoretical concepts to real problems. The list of problems to be solved during an exercise session and a list of additional problems are posted on the LPHYS1114 MoodleUCLouvain website no later one week prior to the exercise session. Preparation of the problems to be solved is crucial. Participation in the practical laboratory session is mandatory. A description of the tasks to be carried out in the laboratory is posted on the LPHYS1114 MoodleUCLouvain website about one week prior to the session. It is essential that this description be read carefully and the online test be performed to access the session. This test is open to participation on the Thursday before the session. Access to the laboratory is not conditional on succeeding this test, but the test must be performed in order to access the session. A laboratory report must be written and submitted after the session. This report is evaluated. A tutorial, during which the students may ask their questions to the teaching team, is held several times during the semester. The best approach is to work consistently throughout the semester. In particular, it is essential that students regularly solve the exercises themselves, and do not simply read the solutions.
Evaluation methods
The entrance test to laboratory and the laboratory report count for 10% of the final mark. This part of the mark will be used for each session and cannot be updated. The exam is written, lasts three hours and counts for 90% of the final mark.
The exam includes two problems similar to those solved in the guided exercise sessions, for which full details of the solution are required, and one question that aims to check that the concepts and developments presented during the theoretical course have well been mastered (demonstration or application of laws or formulas).
All the subjects addressed during the theoretical lessons and the guided exercise sessions must be known for the exam. Each student may use a formulary prepared by him or her with the help of the AccESST unit. This must be handwritten and may not exceed one A4 page. It will be returned with the examination paper for checking.
It is essential to bring a simple scientific calculator to the exam.
The modalities mentioned above are valid whatever the exam session.
In case of force majeure, the modalities of teaching and examination will be reassessed according to the situation and the rules in force.
The exam includes two problems similar to those solved in the guided exercise sessions, for which full details of the solution are required, and one question that aims to check that the concepts and developments presented during the theoretical course have well been mastered (demonstration or application of laws or formulas).
All the subjects addressed during the theoretical lessons and the guided exercise sessions must be known for the exam. Each student may use a formulary prepared by him or her with the help of the AccESST unit. This must be handwritten and may not exceed one A4 page. It will be returned with the examination paper for checking.
It is essential to bring a simple scientific calculator to the exam.
The modalities mentioned above are valid whatever the exam session.
In case of force majeure, the modalities of teaching and examination will be reassessed according to the situation and the rules in force.
Online resources
The slides and the short films or animations projected during the theoritical course and the conference, the list of exercises to be solved, the supports for practical laboratory work and other useful documents are made available to students on the LPHYS1114 MoodleUCLouvain website.
Teaching materials
- J.-N. Foussard, E. Julien, S. Mathé et H. Debellefontaine, 2015: Les Bases de la Thermodynamique, Cours et Exercices corrigés. Dunod, Paris, 259 pp.
- E. Lorenceau et F. Restagno, 2003: Thermodynamique. Dunod, Paris, 182 pp.
Faculty or entity