Internal geophysics of the Earth and planets

lphys2161  2025-2026  Louvain-la-Neuve

Internal geophysics of the Earth and planets
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
22.5 h + 7.5 h
Basic training in physics and mathematics (level of bachelor in sciences or applied sciences).
Main themes

The topics/themes covered in the teaching unit are the structure and physics of the Earth and of the other terrestrial planets, their rotations, their evolutions, their own overall characteristics, and the global geodynamics of the Earth and terrestrial bodies (planets and moons) in the solar system.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :


a.     Contribution of the teaching unit to the learning outcomes of the programme (PHYS2MA and PHYS2M1)
AA1: A1.1, A1.2, A1.3, A1.4, A1.5, A1.6
AA2: A2.1, A2.2
AA3: A3.1, A3.2, A3.4
AA6: A6.1
AA7: A7.3
AA8: A8.1, A8.2
b.    Specific learning outcomes of the teaching unit
At the end of this teaching unit, the student will be able to:
1.     present the main mechanisms that govern the internal structure of the solid Earth and the geophysical techniques used to observe them at global scale ;
2.     Apply these concepts to the knowledge of the terrestrial planets in the solar system.

  1. Internal structure of the Earth and terrestrial planets
  2. Free oscillations of the Earth and terrestrial planets
  3. Seismology, plate tectonics and earthquakes
  4. Geomagnetism of the Earth and terrestrial planets
  5. Short introduction to geodesy and GNSS (GPS)
  6. Tides (solid) of the Earth and terrestrial planets
  7. Gravitational force, gravitational potential of the Earth and terrestrial planets
  8. Heat flux from the Earth and terrestrial planets
  9. “Geophysical” habitability of terrestrial bodies of the solar system
Teaching methods
Lectures and exercises, with a visit of a geophysical site.
Evaluation methods

Other information
Targeted students: Students in Master of Physics, Mathematics and Geographical Science and Engineers

Syllabus préparé pour l’unité d’enseignement / Syllabus prepared for the teaching unit
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Geography : Climatology

Master [60] in Physics

Master [120] in Physics

Master [120] of Education, Section 4 : Physics