The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
4.00 credits
22.5 h
Main themes
1. Social movements: classic studies " analysis of the "crowd" and "calamities"/disasters/lynch mobs? " definitions and typologies " the organisation of social movements " militancy 2. Social movements: recent developments " the "new social movements" " new phenomena: the "white movement", the alterglobalist movement etc: a new "new social unrest"? " new forms of militancy 3. The political parties: review " Definition (s) (review and expansion) " Typologies, classifications (review and expansion) 4. The political parties: recent developments " Recent developments - various theses " Partisan organisations: developments/transformations " The end of the political parties?
Learning outcomes
At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to : | |
1 | This course expands on the Political Science (I) course: it studies in greater detail the analysis of civil society (introduced in the Political Science (I) course), and more particularly the two principal collective bodies at work in civil society: social movements and political parties. As such, the course complements the Political Science (II) course, a comparative analysis of institutions and political regimes. The course has two objectives: " Globally, to help students to develop an analytical capability and a capacity for personal reflection supported by a theoretical and conceptual apparatus (going beyond superficial observation and simple description); " To help students gain a better understanding of the current socio-political climate and developments in "civil society" in Western societies. |
Methods The course is given principally in the form of lectures, with a small number of interactive sessions (debates, contributions from students in sub-groups, with possible participation of outside contributor).
Bibliographie provisoire:
De Winter L and Van Wynsberghe C, 'Kingdom of Belgium: Partitocracy, Corporatist Society, and Dissociative Federalism' in Wolfgang Renzsch, Klaus Detterbeck and John Kincaid (eds), Political parties and civil society in federal countries (Oxford University Press 2015)
Fillieule O and Mayer N, ''Devenirs militants' Introduction' (2011) 51 Revue française de science politique 19
Lagroye J, François B and Sawicki F, Sociologie politique (Presses de Sciences po': Dalloz 2012)
Manin B, Principes du gouvernement représentatif (Flammarion 1996)
Mayer N, 'Qui vote pour qui et pourquoi'?: Les modèles explicatifs du choix électoral' (2007) 120 Pouvoirs 17
'', Sociologie des comportements politiques (A Colin 2010)
Muxel A, 'L'abstention': déficit démocratique ou vitalité politique'?' (2007) 120 Pouvoirs 43
'', 'La participation électorale': un déficit inégalé' (2009) 16 Revue internationale de politique comparée 569
Vandaele K and Hooghe M, 'L'appel de la voie communautaire: syndicats, organisations patronales et nouveaux mouvements sociaux dans une Belgique redimensionnée' in Régis Dandoy, Geoffroy Matagne and Caroline Van Wynsberghe (eds), Le fédéralisme belge. Enjeux institutionnels, acteurs socio-politiques et opinions publiques (Academia-L'Harmattan 2013)
De Winter L and Van Wynsberghe C, 'Kingdom of Belgium: Partitocracy, Corporatist Society, and Dissociative Federalism' in Wolfgang Renzsch, Klaus Detterbeck and John Kincaid (eds), Political parties and civil society in federal countries (Oxford University Press 2015)
Fillieule O and Mayer N, ''Devenirs militants' Introduction' (2011) 51 Revue française de science politique 19
Lagroye J, François B and Sawicki F, Sociologie politique (Presses de Sciences po': Dalloz 2012)
Manin B, Principes du gouvernement représentatif (Flammarion 1996)
Mayer N, 'Qui vote pour qui et pourquoi'?: Les modèles explicatifs du choix électoral' (2007) 120 Pouvoirs 17
'', Sociologie des comportements politiques (A Colin 2010)
Muxel A, 'L'abstention': déficit démocratique ou vitalité politique'?' (2007) 120 Pouvoirs 43
'', 'La participation électorale': un déficit inégalé' (2009) 16 Revue internationale de politique comparée 569
Vandaele K and Hooghe M, 'L'appel de la voie communautaire: syndicats, organisations patronales et nouveaux mouvements sociaux dans une Belgique redimensionnée' in Régis Dandoy, Geoffroy Matagne and Caroline Van Wynsberghe (eds), Le fédéralisme belge. Enjeux institutionnels, acteurs socio-politiques et opinions publiques (Academia-L'Harmattan 2013)
Faculty or entity