Psychodiagnostic and practical exercises on testing

lpsp1307  2025-2026  Louvain-la-Neuve

Psychodiagnostic and practical exercises on testing
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
45.0 h + 15.0 h
The course is organised according to the different stages of the psychodiagnostic examination:
* (1) The analysis of the request ;
* (2) The relational and socio-cultural aspects of the examination;
* (3) The general methodology of the diagnostic examination;
* (4) Ethical principles governing the examination and the use of results;
* (5) Conceptual reference frameworks;
* (6) Examination of personality and behaviour;
* (7) Examination of cognitive functions.
In addition, a series of professional speakers from the field will share their experience of assessing individuals and answer your questions.
Finally, a series of optional assignments will be offered to earn bonus points. The aim of these assignments is to develop the cross-disciplinary skills of research, synthesis, integration, criticism and communication of information relating to psychodiagnosis. All or part of the content generated by these assignments may form part of the course content assessed by the examination.
Teaching methods
The course includes lectures by the professor and guest speakers who share their professional experience in psychodiagnostic assessment.
In parallel with the lecture, practical work is organised to put into practice some of the concepts and tools presented in the lecture. The aim of the practical work is to teach and practise the practical skills needed to use a psychodiagnostic test correctly.
In addition, a series of optional assignments will be offered for bonus points. The aim of these assignments is to develop the transversal skills of research, synthesis, integration, criticism and communication of information related to psychodiagnosis.
Evaluation methods
The integration method used to assess student learning is as follows:
The student is assessed on :
- The knowledge used in the course via an examination. This assessment is made out of 15 points out of 20 (i.e. 75% of the final mark). The aim of the examination is to assess understanding of the concepts and appropriate use of the notions covered in the course. The examination arrangements are not systematically the same for the two sessions: in the 1st session the examination is a multiple-choice questionnaire, but in the 2nd session (August-September) an oral examination may be organised instead of the written examination.
- Completion of three assignments to be handed in as part of the practical work: This is assessed on 5 points: 2.4 points for participation and 2.6 points for the certificate work. These practical exercises are an integral part of the student's programme and training. Attendance at all 3 practical sessions is required and is awarded 0.4 points for each session attended. For any absence, even justified, a compensatory work will be proposed in order to obtain the 0.4 point lost for attendance. Submission of the two formative works is valued at 0.6 points per formative work submitted on time. The 2.4 participation points are calculated by adding together the attendance points (3 x 0.4) and the points for submitting the coursework (2 x 0.6). A certificate assignment related to the content of the practical work is assessed on 2.6 points. The aim of the continuous assessment carried out as part of the practical work is to teach, practise and, finally, assess the acquisition of the practical skills required for the correct use of a psychodiagnostic test.
The integration method consists of the sum of the points obtained for the course (15/20) and for the practical work (5/20). To pass, students must score at least 10 points out of a possible 20. Students who fail the course as a whole represent the failed parts (examination and/or practical work). The mark passed (exam or practical) and the bonus points obtained in the 1st session are carried over to calculate the final mark in the 2nd session. In the second session (August-September), the 5 TP points are distributed as follows: On the one hand, 2.4 points to be obtained by submitting 3 compensatory assignments on time (3 x 0.4 points) and 2 formative assignments (2 x 0.6 points), and on the other hand a certificate assignment assessed on 2.6 points.
Students will also have the opportunity to complete a series of optional assignments to earn bonus points. The aim of these assignments is to develop the transversal skills of research, synthesis, integration, criticism and communication of information in relation to psychodiagnosis. All or part of the content generated by these assignments may form part of the course content assessed by the examination.
To summarise the integration method, the final mark for the course is determined as follows: 75% by the mark obtained in the examination and 25% by the continuous assessment organised as part of the practical work (TP). In other words, the final mark is the weighted average of the examination mark and the practical work mark. In the final mark, the practical part is worth 5/20 and the examination part is worth 15/20.

In order to give students an idea of what is expected of them and to enable them to adapt their study of the subject accordingly, a mock test on a subject from the course is offered, with sample questions of a similar level of difficulty to those in the written exam. Finally, students will be informed of their mark in the mock exam.
The use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) for practical work (TP) is prohibited.
The use of generative AI for optional work with bonus points (i.e. not for practical work) is accepted only if the following 2 conditions are met:
(1) The work submitted must explicitly state which paragraphs were generated by an AI.
(2) The work submitted must contain an additional page containing a personal critique of the benefits and weaknesses of using generative AI in the very specific context of the work requested. This implies that the person(s) using generative AI must evaluate and question the quality of the result obtained using generative AI, in particular by comparing it with other sources of information. At least 3 arguments (> half a page) are expected in the personal critique. If the personal critique is assessed as unsatisfactory (failure to comply with the instructions and/or weaknesses in the arguments), a penalty of -30% on the mark may be applied.

An assignment submitted where the use of generative AI is deemed highly probable by the teaching team despite no mention of the use of generative AI may be considered as cheating or plagiarism and will result in a corresponding penalty determined by the teaching team.
Members of the teaching team may detect the use of generative AI. If the use of generative AI is suspected, the teacher may ask the authors of the work to provide evidence of the writing and/or request a meeting with the authors for further information.
Other information
Basic knowledge of psychometrics and psychopathology.
The following course(s) provide important foundations for understanding and integrating this course:
- LPSP1211: Psychometrics.

To contact the teaching team, please use the Moodle Forum, especially if the question is likely to concern several students. If you contact us by email, please make sure to :
- contact the professor if the email concerns teaching in a large auditorium (henryk (point) bukowski (at) or the relevant assistant if the email concerns practical work.
- indicate the acronym and name of the course in the email title
- in the body of your email, put in bold the subject (objective, core of your request)
- if relevant, indicate the TP series concerned or all the members of your work group
Without this information, your email may not receive the appropriate follow-up.
The course is given in French, but a set of English slides is available for international students: no
The core reading for the course is in French, but equivalent core reading is available for international students in English: no
The standard exam of January (1st session) is a written exam in French. However, international students taking this course:
  • Will be allowed to use a dictionary when taking the written exam in French: yes
  • Will be allowed 33% more time when taking the written exam in French: yes if justified and requested >2 weeks before exam
  • Are provided with the opportunity to take the written exam in English: no
  • Are provided with the opportunity to take an alternative oral exam in English : no
The standard exam of August (2nd session) could be an oral exam in French. However, international students taking this course:
  • Will be allowed to take the oral exam in English: yes
  • Are provided with the opportunity to take an alternative written exam in English: no
The course requires coursework in French. However, international students taking this course:
  • Can provide the coursework in English: yes
  • Can be exempt from providing the coursework: no
Online resources
All PowerPoint presentations are available on Moodle as the course progresses.
On Moodle you will also find :
- information and locations for submitting assignments (practical work)
- the written exam and the mock exam
- announcements from the teaching team
- discussion forums to address the teacher and each other
- documents to support student learning
Teams software is used when the course is delivered co-modally or, exceptionally, remotely. Written exchanges, including answers to questions asked, and sometimes recordings of the course will be found on Teams.
During the written exam, Teams is used to communicate with all students.
Grégoire, J. (2019). L’examen clinique de l’intelligence de l’enfant. Fondements et pratique du WISC-V. Bruxelles: Mardaga.
Laveault, D. & Grégoire, J. (2023). Introduction aux théories des tests en psychologie et en éducation (4e édition revue et complétée).Bruxelles: De Boeck.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Psychology and Education: General