Psychology of behavioral change: health, consumption and decision making

lpsys2202  2025-2026  Louvain-la-Neuve

Psychology of behavioral change: health, consumption and decision making
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
6.00 credits
60.0 h
Behavior change: Systems and individuals.
The legitimacy of behavior change
Expected utility, paradox of choice, and market fragmentation.
Randomized controlled trials
The bounded rationality of behavior: focus on eating behavior.
Nudging: definition, scope and limits.
Nudging: illustrations
Theory of planned behavior and intention implementation
Implicit determinants of behavior
Teaching methods
Lectures, preparation and presentation of articles in pairs ("t"), preparation and presentation of a team work ("T")
Evaluation methods
15%: "t" presentation
35%: "T" presentation
50%: Written exam (open-ended questions)
Other information
The course is mandatory for students in the Social Option and is open to students in the Master degree in Human Resources Management.
No prerequisite is required for the course. However, those who have not taken LSPS1313: Attitude Change and Social Influence, will want to consult the following book: Olivier Corneille (2010). Nos préférences sous influence influence. Bruxelles: Mardaga
Online resources
Lee, Nancy R., & Kotler, Philip (2011). Social marketing: Influencing behaviors for good (4th edition). Thousand Oaks, CA, US: Sage Publications
Wilson, T. D. (2011). Redirect: Changing the stories we live by. Hachette UK.
Nombreux articles déposés sur Moodlle
Teaching materials
  • Pdfs & articles
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Political Sciences: International Relations

Master [120] in Psychology

Master [120] in Public Administration