Health psychology intervention

lpsys2822  2025-2026  Louvain-la-Neuve

Health psychology intervention
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
4.00 credits
30.0 h
Main themes
The aim of the course is first to familiarize students with the symptoms and difficulties associated with the most common health disorders. For each disorder, the student will be informed of the frequent psychological comorbidities, the most common psychological needs and the general lines of medical treatment. The second aim of the course is help students determine the most adequate psychological intervention for each medical disorder and enable them to apply and adapt them to the specificities of the patient and the context. 
The former aims will be achieved for each of the most frequent problematics in health psychology : stress, burnout, sleep disorders, chronic pain, perinatalogy, obesity, cancer, coronary-heart disorders, spinal cord injuries, amputations, palliative care and euthanasia.
Each year, one lesson is devoted to a useful approach in health psychology (already covered: Motivational Interviewing, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, this year : Hypnosis) 
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 In reference with the learning outcomes of the Master in Psychological Science, this activity contributes to the following learning outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to adequately analyse a situation in health psychology with reference to available theories and empirical evidence (B1). On this basis, the student will be able to identify relevant psychological interventions which take into account the specificities of the patient and of the context (B2), to distinguish between scientifically-based interventions and common-sense interventions (E2), to explain the methodology used for planning, implementing and evaluating the intervention. The students will also be capable to communicate in a clear, relevant and straightforward way the result of their observations, analysis and intervention (C1-C2).
La contribution de cette UE au développement et à la maîtrise des compétences et acquis du (des) programme(s) est accessible à la fin de cette fiche, dans la partie « Programmes/formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE) ».
Topics covered:
The aim of this course is to understand the symptoms and difficulties caused by the most common severe health problems. For each of these, the student will learn about their most frequent psychological comorbidities, the most common psychosocial needs of patients suffering from them, and the main lines of medical management. On the other hand, the aim is to know and understand the psychological intervention strategies appropriate to each problem, and to be able to apply and adapt them according to the specificities of the individual and the context.
These different themes are addressed successively for each of the most common pathologies (which define the main areas of intervention in health psychology): stress and burnout, sleep disorders, migraines, chronic low back pain, smoking, alcoholism, obesity, perinatal care, cancer, coronary heart disease, spinal cord injury and limb amputation, dementia, palliative care.
Teaching methods
The majority of course sessions are given by practitioners who are experts in the issue concerned.
The structure of a course session typically consists of a presentation (video or face-to-face) by a (french-speaking) practitioner who is an expert in the issue addressed. Each session is followed by a personal case study, enabling students to learn how to apply the material to real-life situations.
The course is mainly delivered remotely, but includes a few face-to-face sessions. Depending on the evolution of the COVID-19 epidemic, it is possible that the course will be given entirely remotely.
Evaluation methods
-Homework during the academic year: 40% of total course grade
    - Case studies to be solved personally* and posted by the deadline**.
     - Case studies for comment (each case study is peer-reviewed)
     - At the end of the semester, the teacher draws 1 case study and 1 commentary to be graded
-Exam: 60% of total course grade
      - Assessment of knowledge and skills (application)
      - The exam consists of 1 case study to be solved individually.
*For homework (not exam!), students are free to use any resources at their disposal, including Chat-GPT, but must integrate and complement these resources with the material covered in the course. Students remain entirely responsible for the work they submit.
**The submission of all work to be completed during the semester is required. In accordance with article 72 of the General Regulations for Studies and Examinations (Règlement Général des Etudes et des Examens), the teacher may propose to the jury that it refuse to register a student who has not submitted all the coursework for the January or September session. Final assessment of the course is based on the submission of assignments (40% of the grade, see above) and a written exam (60% of the grade). In accordance with article 72 of the General Regulations for Studies and Examinations, the course instructor may propose to the jury that a student who has not handed in the coursework by the required deadline should not be registered for the examination.
Other information
The course is given exclusively in French, and unfortunately no English slides or equivalent core reading are available for international students.
The course involves regular written assignments that are provided in French. However, international students taking this course can answer the coursework in English.
The standard exam is a written exam in French. However, international students taking this course:
  • are allowed to use a dictionary when taking the written exam in French:
  • will be allowed 33% more time when taking the written exam in French if they contact the teacher 30 days before the exam by email to ask for this additional time. Please write using your official student email adress because, otherwise, your email might go into the teacher's spam folder. An acknowledgement of receipt from the teacher is required.
  • are provided with the opportunity to take the written exam in English if they contact the teacher 30 days before the exam by email to ask for an English version of the exam. Please write using your official student email adress because, otherwise, your email might go into the teacher's spam folder. An acknowledgement of receipt from the teacher is required.
Online resources
Online resources*:
- The Moodle course page (course LPSY2822)
- The course videos available on EZcast (course LPSY2822)
- The slides (for practitioners who work with slides, but not all) posted on the Moodle platform as they become available (LPSY2822 course);
- The case studies posted on the Moodle platform (LPSY2822 course) and/or completed during the year;
*! Please note: all resources are in French !
Mikolajczak, M. (Dir.). (2013). Les interventions en psychologie de la Santé. Paris: Dunod.
Teaching materials
  • Mikolajczak, M. (Dir.). (2013). Les interventions en psychologie de la Santé. Paris: Dunod.
  • Etudes de cas et slides postés au fur et à mesure des séances sur Moodle (LPSY2822)
  • Notes personnelles prises par l'étudiant durant les cours
  • Les témoignages des professionnels (en vidéo ou en live)
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Psychology