Sport and physical activity, psycho-physical techniques, mental and physical health

lpsys2841  2025-2026  Louvain-la-Neuve

Sport and physical activity, psycho-physical techniques, mental and physical health
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
30.0 h + 15.0 h
This teaching unit (UE) will focus on two main themes:
  1. The psychological processes involved in the initiation and maintenance of physical activity, and in sports performance.
  2. Body-oriented psychological interventions
These thematics will be addressed in an integrative way, that is, by applying a mode of teaching allowing "back and forth" dynamics between concepts and theoretical models (e.g., models of self-control, process of self-determination & feeling self-efficacy, triadic model of self-regulation...) and intervention techniques (relaxation, mental imagery, intention implementation, ...) adapted to the field of physical activity psychology.
These aspects will be illustrated by the teacher based on experiential learning (relaxation exercises, imagery...), case formulations and intervention projects associated with target issues.
Teaching methods
This TU will adopt a flipped classroom approach that will aim to anchor students in a constant process of experimentation and critical reflection. This dynamic will aim to bring students to reach a level of integration of knowledge that will allows them to be responsible actors in the field of the psychology of sport and physical activity.
The duration of a course session is generally 3 hours. The sessions will regularly follow a mixed format with part of in-house classes (projected presentation/videos/discussions), as well as practical work in the auditorium, outdoors or psychomotor room. 
Detailed information on course dynamics and different learning outcomes will be provided in the first course session. 
Evaluation methods
The evaluation will focus on two areas:
1. The realization of an individual written report (5 pages) where the student will develop a critical reflection on a technique/intervention learned during the class and put into practice (between 2 and 4 weeks). The report can be written in English. Examples of written reports will be accesible to the students. The report will be rated on 6 points.
2. A written exam with open-ended question (short format and long format responses) on the content learned during the class. Examples of questions will be communicated to the students. The exam will be rated on 14 points. 
The use of AI (ChatGPT...) is tolerated for this class. Its contribution is, however, limited because the quality of the written report is mainly based on the critical reflection and the practical experience of the student.
Other information
- Participation in the course implies a mandatory registration on the MoodleUCL website.
- Schedule: Monday from 16:00 to 19:00.
- The lectures take place in the AGOR04 auditorium and the (some) practical work sessions (TP) in the Salle de Psychomotricité or in opne air (see Moodle and the ppt of the 1st course for the precise schedule).
- The first session of the course will take place on Monday 23 September 2023 at 16:15 near the Ferme Équestre de Louvain-la-Neuve:
For any issues (for example, mobility) send an email to 
Online resources
Accessible on the Moodle space of the class.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Psychology