
lreli1348  2025-2026  Louvain-la-Neuve

The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
30.0 h

  This biannual learning unit is not being organized in 2025-2026 !

Main themes
The course introduces the teachings of Buddhism, its rituals, practices and institutions. Proper attention is given to the diversity of traditions within Buddhism, their distinct sources and their specific contributions. Other critical themes include the life and teachings of the Buddha; the organisation of the community; and the formation of the Mahayana (Great Vehicle) and its major schools.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 consider the broad lines and distinctive features of Buddhism against the background of its history, from the origins up to and including present developments.
Other information
without object
  Peter Baekelmans, Shingon Mysticism, Koyasan Publications, Nara, 2006.
Bareau, André, En suivant Bouddha, Paris, éditions du Félin, Philippe Lebaud, 2000. Bechert H. et Gombrich, R., Le Monde du bouddhisme, Paris, Thamas & Hudson, 1998. Baekelmans, Peter, The “Hidden” God, Towards a Christian Theology of Buddhism, Angelico Press, NY, 2022.
Cornu, Philippe, Padmasambhava, Le Livre des morts tibétain, Paris, Buchet-Chastel, 2009. Harvey, Peter, Le Bouddhisme, enseignements et pratiques, Paris, Seuil, 1993.
Magnin, Paul, Bouddhisme, unité et diversité, Paris, Cerf, 2003.
Osier, Jean-Pierre (trad.), Dhammapada, Les stances de la Loi, Paris, GF Flammarion, 1997.
Rahula, Walpola, L'enseignement du Bouddha d'après les textes les plus anciens, Paris, Seuil, Points Sagesses, Sa13, 1961.
Snellgrove, David, Indo-tibetan Buddhism, London&Boston, Shambhala, 1987.
Sogyal Rinpoché, Le Livre tibétain de la vie et de la mort, Paris, La Table Ronde, 1993/2003 ; et Le Livre de Poche, 2006.
Silburn, Liliane (dir.), Aux Sources du bouddhisme, ouvrage collectif, Paris, Fayard, 1997. Suzuki, Shunryu, Esprit zen, esprit neuf, Seuil, Points Sagesses Sa8, 1978.
Trungpa, Chögyam, Le mythe de la liberté, Paris, Seuil, Points sagesses Sa18, 1979.
Teaching materials
  • Cornu Ph., Bressollette L., Manuel de bouddhisme, Louvain-la-Neuve, 2019.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Minor in Sciences of Religions (discipline to complement the major)

Bachelor in Ancient Languages and Literatures: Oriental Studies

Master [120] in Sciences of Religions

Minor in Sciences of Religions (openness)

Certificat universitaire en sciences des religions

Minor in Antiquity: Egypt, Eastern World, Greece, Rome

Minor "Decentering History: Subalternities and postcolonial Studies"