Lecture de textes théologiques anglais

lreli1400  2025-2026  Louvain-la-Neuve

Lecture de textes théologiques anglais
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
3.00 credits
30.0 h
It has become increasingly important for graduates nowadays to achieve a good command of foreign languages. Not only will you be faced with academic literature in English during your professional careers, but your job prospects in the world of theology and religious studies will undoubtedly increase if you master the English language appropriately. This seminar, the Reading and Scientific Communication Workshop for Students in Theology and the Study of Religions, aims at assisting and training students to make an academic presentation. The oral exam, in the form of a scientific presentation, will be based on your reading and summary of and research into a scientific article provided by Geert Van Oyen.
(focus on sustainable development, transition and the SDGs, as well as on EDI, equity, diversity and inclusion)
Teaching methods
The course consists of the following elements:
1. Classroom activities
The aim of this course is to provide the students with the English communication skills that Theology and the Study of Religions professionals will need in their careers (debating skills, summary writing skills, etc.) However, the ultimate goal is to train you to do a formal, academic presentation in English. There will also be a (compulsory) English-language guided tour of the L Museum. More details will be provided prior to the visit.
2. Oral exam presentation
At the end of the academic year, you will have to do a scientific presentation for your content teacher, Geert Van Oyen, and your English language coach, Timothy Byrne.
Students can select the topic of their talk on the basis of a list of scientific articles presented by Geert Van Oyen. You should present your talk in groups, and stick to the communication and language guidelines provided by Timothy Byrne during the sessions devoted to presentation technique. The presentation should last approximately 20 minutes. You are supposed to use visual supports such as PPT or Prezi and any other documents, such as a hand-out, which may illustrate your talk in a useful and original way. You will have to include a graph description. You may use note-cards with a few key words but reading from a script or reciting from memory is strictly forbidden. There will be a question-and-answer session at the end of your presentation lasting 5 minutes. The presentation is more than just a summary of the article you have selected. It should rather use the article as a starting point and develop its topic(s) and focus more broadly.
Evaluation methods
Assessment is continuous.
  • This involves classroom attendance, preparation, active participation
  • 25% going to tests and written assignments
  • 25% going to a presentarion dryrun
  • 50% going to the final presentation
  • Timothy Byrne est responsible for 2/3 of the final mark; Geert Van Oyen is responsible for 1/3 of the final mark
The students’ awareness will be raised about the advantages and shortcomings of the use of generative AI in their oral and written production.
Other information
Attendance in class is obligatory and will be taken. Sudents will lose 25 % of their grade if they are absent from class more than twice without any form of justification.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in religious studies