The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
22.5 h + 15.0 h
Main themes
-The study of some teaching sequences of French foreign or second language. Stake, contents, methods, tools, evaluation of the apprenticeships.
-Didactic of the intercultural : panorama of methodologies (presentation and critical examination)
-22,5 h. of theoretical lessons : 15h of practical work and exercices in connection with the theoretical problems approached in the theoretical lesson as an illustration and experimenting of same.
-Didactic of the intercultural : panorama of methodologies (presentation and critical examination)
-22,5 h. of theoretical lessons : 15h of practical work and exercices in connection with the theoretical problems approached in the theoretical lesson as an illustration and experimenting of same.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to : | |
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-To settle the theoretical knowledge of concepts, operations or strategies indispensable for establishing the competences to teach French as foreign or second language (FLE/S) and intercultural. -To make tangible by means of practical work and didactical exercices the relation between these theoretical projections and the concrete teaching task. |
- Foundations of language didactics and French as a foreign language:
- Historical methods, communicative and action/task-based approaches.
- Concepts and principles.
- Evidence-based practice.
- Course planning in terms of communicative and linguistic objectives, tasks, and genres.
- Construction of communicative and task-based/action-oriented didactic sequences (lessons).
- Transversal dimensions of FLE teaching-learning, including assessment.
- Contextual, plurilingual and intercultural perspectives.
Teaching methods
The course is divided into two parts: a lecture part, which is more analytical and theoretical (11 2-hour sessions), and a practical part (TP), which focuses on applying the principles to lesson design (6 2.5-hour sessions).
The lectures systematically allow for interaction (Wooclap or other audience response systems, questions, comments).
The ractical part (TP) gives ample opportunity to put into practice, individually or in small groups, the principles studied through realistic lesson planning and design tasks.
The lectures systematically allow for interaction (Wooclap or other audience response systems, questions, comments).
The ractical part (TP) gives ample opportunity to put into practice, individually or in small groups, the principles studied through realistic lesson planning and design tasks.
Evaluation methods
- Written final exam (70%) covering the entire course, including:
- closed questions on understanding and analyzing key elements of French as a foreign language teaching and
- one or more open-ended questions on the application, creation, or evaluation of teaching processes.
- Reading assignments (10%) and collaborative annotation of reading material on the Perusall platform before each session. The Perusall platform automates this assessment.
- Class participation in lessons and practical work (10%) is evaluated formatively (i.e. not assessing the quality of participation but encouraging its occurrence), encouraging questions, interventions, and comments, as well as active participation in group discussions and exercises.
- Continuous work in practical exercises (TP) and final lesson presentation (10%).
Other information
Some of the required readings (Perusall) will be in French, but some will be in English. Comments are always expected in French, and aids to comprehension such as machine translation tools can be used to facilitate reading in the event of a low level of written comprehension in English.
Online resources
Essentiels et imposés
- Collès, L. (2006). Didactique de l’interculturel: Panorama des méthodologies. In L. Collès, J.-L. Dufays, & F. Thyrion (Eds.), Quelle didactique de l’interculturel dans les nouveaux contextes du FLE/S? (pp. 6–26). E.M.E. & Intercommunications.
- Courtillon, J. (2003). Élaborer un cours de FLE. Hachette.
- Coste, D. (2010). Tâche, progression, curriculum. Canadian Modern Language Review/La Revue canadienne des langues vivantes, 66(4), 499–510.
- Cuq, J.-P., & Gruca, I. (2017). Cours de didactique du français langue étrangère et seconde (4e éd.). Presses universitaires de Grenoble.
- Defays, J.-M. (2018). Enseigner le français langue étrangère et seconde: Approche humaniste de la didactique des langues et des cultures. Mardaga.
- Ellis, R. (2005). Instructed second language acquisition: A literature review [Report to the Ministry of Education]. Research Division, Ministry of Education.
- Ellis, R., & Shintani, N. (2014). Exploring language pedagogy through second language acquisition research. Routledge.
- Aguerre, S. (2010). Grammaire de l’apprenant et explicitation: Quand apprendre, c’est se construire des représentations, à partir de corpus et d’instruments. In O. Galatanu, M. Pierrard, D. Van Raemdonck, M.-E. Damar, N. Kemps, & E. Schoonhere (Eds.), Enseigner les structures en FLE (pp. 65–76). Peter Lang.
- Béacco, J.-C. (2010). La « question de la grammaire » dans l’enseignement du français comme langue étrangère: Nouveaux contextes, nouvelles perspectives. In O. Galatanu, M. Pierrard, D. Van Raemdonck, M.-E. Damar, N. Kemps, & E. Schoonhere (Eds.), Enseigner les structures en FLE (pp. 41–52). Peter Lang.
- Chauvet, A. (2008). Référentiel de l’Alliance française pour le Cadre européen commun. Référentiel des contenus d’apprentissage du FLE en rapport avec les six niveaux du Conseil de l’Europe, à l’usage des enseignants de FLE. Alliance française, CLE international.
- Ellis, R. (2018). Reflections on task-based language teaching. Multilingual Matters.
- Goes, J. (2010). Quelle grammaire en classe de FLE ? In O. Galatanu, M. Pierrard, D. Van Raemdonck, M.-E. Damar, N. Kemps, & E. Schoonhere (Eds.), Enseigner les structures en FLE (pp. 173–182). Peter Lang.
- Robert, J.-P., Rosen, É., & Reinhardt, C. (2011). Faire classe en FLE. Une approche actionnelle et pragmatique. Hachette.
- Rodier, C. (2009, October 20). La perspective actionnelle: Évolution ou révolution ? É
- Vigner, G. (2004). La grammaire en FLE. Hachette.
- Vigner, G. (2010). Quelle grammaire? Pour quels publics ? In O. Galatanu, M. Pierrard, D. Van Raemdonck, M.-E. Damar, N. Kemps, & E. Schoonhere (Eds.), Enseigner les structures en FLE (pp. 33–39). Peter Lang.
Teaching materials
Faculty or entity
Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)
Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Teacher Training Certificate (upper secondary education) - Modern Languages and Literatures : General