Séminaire de recherche en didactique des sciences

lsci2330  2025-2026  Louvain-la-Neuve

Séminaire de recherche en didactique des sciences
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
15.0 h + 30.0 h
The seminar offers future teachers, current teachers, and anyone interested in science education the opportunity to get introduced to research in science didactics.
Teaching methods
Due to the diversity of sciences covered during the seminar, the presence of teachers will often be required. The aim of this methodology is to highlight the value of the interdisciplinary perspectives of didacticians on a specific theme. The teaching methods will include oral presentations, student work, and article readings. Students will also be invited to participate in various research seminars organized by the Doctoral School in Didactics of Disciplines, the Cripedis, or the Girsef.
Evaluation methods
The students' participation during the course (Activity 1: 25% of the final grade), personal work (Activity 2: 25% of the final grade), and an oral presentation on a predefined topic (Activity 3: 50% of the final grade) will serve as the basis for evaluating the seminar.
Each of the three activities must be passed with a grade of 10/20 or higher for the course unit to be successfully completed. The principle of an absorbing grade applies to this course unit, meaning that failure in any one of the activities results in a failing grade for the entire course unit.
Attendance at this seminar is mandatory. In accordance with Article 72 of the General Study and Examination Regulations, the course instructors may propose to the jury to refuse the registration of any student who has not attended at least 80% of the seminars, for either the June or September session.
Other information
The LSCI2330 seminar is an elective for students interested in research in science education and/or science teaching, who have previously taken a course in science education (for example, LSCI2320 or an equivalent). It is also open to science teachers.
Online resources
On MoodleUCL, course code LSCI2330.
The site contains the documents presented and used during the classes and allows students to submit their work.
Des ouvrages et articles scientifiques en relation avec le domaine abordé - la recherche en didactique des sciences -  seront présentés et analysés lors du séminaires.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Teacher Training Certificate (upper secondary education) - Physics

Teacher Training Certificate (upper secondary education) - Biology

Master [120] in Chemistry

Teacher Training Certificate (upper secondary education) - Chemistry