Langue des signes de Belgique francophone, niveau élémentaire (A2) - Deuxième partie

lsign1102  2025-2026  Louvain-la-Neuve

Langue des signes de Belgique francophone, niveau élémentaire (A2) - Deuxième partie
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
60.0 h
Q1 and Q2
Moubayed Fatima (coordinator);
French Belgian Sign Language
  • To have achieved LSIGN1101 or to have a similar level in LSFB (which will be tested at the beginning of the year)
  • Understand written explanations in French
Main themes
Communication topics are given only as examples. They will be approached in relation with the targeted language level.

Communication topics : itineraries, stories, weather, work schedule, going to the restaurant or on holiday, asking for information, past experiences, biography, body/clothes/spatial descriptions, invites, etc.

Grammar : multidirectional verbs (simple, semi-directional, backwards), comparative, superlative, comparisons, time length, time lines, conditional, demonstrative pronouns, personal transfers, double transfers, part of the structure of a complex sentence.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 Understanding
To understand isolated phrases and common expressions that relate to areas of high personal relevance (like personal or family information, shopping, immediate environment, work).
2 Interacting
To communicate during easy or habitual tasks requiring a basic and direct information exchange on familiar subjects. Using simple words, can describe his or her surroundings and communicate immediate needs. 
Students listen and sign in LSFB and are encouraged to communicate exclusively in LSFB to interact with the teacher and their peers.
The teacher gives his explanations both in LSFB and written French.

In addition to the course, students continue to learn LSFB and Deaf culture through activities organized in Louvain-la-Neuve and French-speaking Belgium. Conversation tables with native signers as well as conferences will be organized by KAP-Signes during the academic year. Students are strongly encouraged to participate.
Students are also encouraged to interact with deaf people in Louvain-la-Neuve and outside. Their level now allows them to hold a conversation about immediate needs and familiar topics.
Evaluation methods
Continuous assessment (during the year) = 40%
  • Attendance and involvement in the course as well as participation to extracurricular activities : 10%
  • Signed exercises during both quadrimesters : 10%
  • Test at the end of the first quadrimester  : 20%
Final exam = 60 %
Written exam : 30%
  • Translation of short sentences from LSFB into French
  • Understand a short story told in LSFB
Oral exam : 30%
  • Translation of simple French sentences into LSFB, according to what was learned in class
  • Tell a story in LSFB on the basis of a voiceless video
  • Description of pictures.
Other information
Open to the students enrolled at UCL!

Equivalent course given in other curricula: Institut Libre Marie Haps, langue des signes A2.

Training staff
  • A group of 15 students approximately
  • The teacher can be contacted by email and can be met in Brussels or Louvain-la-Neuve on appointment.
Online resources
  • : reliable source regarding LSFB vocabulary
  • : activities of the French-speaking Deaf community of Belgium
  • Facebook page « KAP Signes » to get informed about the activities of KAP Signes in Louvain-la-Neuve
Lectures non obligatoires

Linguistique (ouvrages assez pointus, uniquement pour ceux qui sont intéressés):
  • Christian Cuxac (2000), La langue des signes française (LSF). Les voies de l'iconicité, Paris : Ophrys
  • Laurence Meurant (2006), Le regard en langue des signes. Anaphore en langue des signes française de Belgique (LSFB) : morphologie, syntaxe, énonciation, Namur : Presses Universitaires de Namur
Langue des signes et culture sourde  :
  • Yves Delaporte (2002), Les sourds, c'est comme ça, Paris : Editions de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme
  • Paddy Ladd (2003), Understanding Deaf Culture. In search of Deafhood, Clevedon: Multilingual Matters LTD
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Speech and Language Therapy