People management

lsinc1805  2025-2026  Charleroi

People management
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
3.00 credits
15.0 h + 15.0 h

  This learning unit is not open to incoming exchange students!

Main themes
On a daily basis, many IT professionals have to manage teams of people. Professional practice reveals that - although technical skills are fundamental to being a good manager, it appears that the best managers are those who also have "soft skills" of strategic vision, organization, time management and their priorities, leadership, emotional intelligence or interpersonal skills. This course addresses various aspects related to the development of the ability to understand human attitudes and behaviors in the organization, by presenting theoretical benchmarks from the psychology of work and organizations.
The course is organized around three levels of analysis.
1. The individual vis-à-vis himself and in the group:
o Personal effectiveness, productivity and analysis techniques
o Emotional intelligence and notions of cognitive science
o Meeting management techniques
o Interpersonal and group processes in organization (leadership, conflicts, group dynamics, diversity and discrimination, etc.)
2. The individual at work:
o Introduction to issues and approaches to well-being at work (stress and burnout, harassment, etc.); prevention aspects; job analysis/ergonomics
3. The individual in the organization:
o Analysis of work organization methods, management styles and human resources management (including new trends) and their consequences for workers and the organization (e.g., justice at work, organizational recognition, involvement in the work, deviant behavior)
o Mission, identity, values, vision, strategy and objectives of a company
o Fundamentals of project management
The course will also make sure to introduce certain basic notions of general psychology, including motivation and personality.
Particular attention will be paid to the specificities of human dynamics in innovation contexts (start-ups).
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

At the end of this course, the student will be able to:
Master the basic concepts and theories in psychology of work and organizations allowing human management in organizations.
Mastering the knowledge that allows you to explain and understand an individual, a group or an organization.
Analyze, criticize in an argumentative manner and model a situation (individual, group or organization) with reference to theories, research results, methods and tools relating to psychology.
Identify the contribution and added value of scientific research in psychology of work and organizations on its understanding of given work situations.
Name and describe the phases, actors and activities generally at work in project management.
Outline the general principles and compare different managerial methods, including those that are part of new trends (e.g. participatory dynamics).
Analyze a given situation with appropriate tools, for example: SWOT, Ardoino analysis grid, Mintzberg organization models.
Describe the business model of a famous company based on the Business model canvas.
Order and classify statements between the Mission, identity, values, vision, strategy and objectives of a fictional company.
The course will contribute to the development of the following learning outcomes among those of the BAC program in computer science:
- AA 1.1. Apply the concepts, laws, reasoning to a disciplinary problem of framed complexity.
- AA 2.2. Documenting the state of current knowledge in the field of the problem posed.
-AA 4.4. Write summary written documents taking into account the requirements of the missions (projects and problems).
- AA 5.1 Use bibliographical resources to carry out and embellish a work, taking into account ethical rules (without plagiarism).
Pichault, F., Nizet J. (2000), Les pratiques de gestion des ressources humaines, Paris : Seuil
Tonnelé, A. (2011), 65 outils pour accompagner le changement individuel et collectif, Paris : ed. d'Organisation
Teaching materials
  • Slides de cours - Moodle
  • Module complémentaire sur
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Computer Science