Signs, sounds, images : methods of analysis

lsoc2083  2025-2026  Louvain-la-Neuve

Signs, sounds, images : methods of analysis
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5.00 credits
22.5 h
Alloa, Emmanuel, 2017, "Just Terror. La communication visuelle de Daech", in Emmanuel Alloa (dir.), Penser l’image : vol.3, Paris, Presses du réel, p.257-279.
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___ 2011, "Micro-écologie de la résistance. Les appuis sensibles de la parole citoyenne dans un dispositif d’urbanisme participatif", in M. Berger et al (Eds), Du civil au politique, Bruxelles, Peter Lang.
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___ 2015, "The Politics of Co-Presence. An Ecological Approach To Resistance In Top-Down Participation", European Journal of Cultural And Political Sociology, 2.
___ 2017, "Vers une théorie du pâtir communicationnel. Sensibiliser Habermas", Cahiers de recherche sociologique, 62.
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___ 2020, "Ecology of Urban Knowledge", in G. Grulois, B. Declève (Eds), Designing Ecosystems, Bruxelles, Metrolab Series.
___ 2020, "Locked together screaming. Une assemblée municipale américaine enfermée dans l’offense", in L. Kaufmann et L. Quéré (dir.), Les émotions collectives, Paris, EHESS (Raisons pratiques n°29).
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Berger M., Gonzalez Ph., Létourneau, A., "Peirce et les sciences sociales : Une sociologie pragmaticiste?" (dossier), Cahiers de recherche sociologique, 62.
Berliner, Paul F., 1994, Thinking in Jazz. The Infinite Art of Improvisation, Chicago,University of Chicago Press.
Boltanski, Luc, 1984, "La dénonciation"
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Bourdieu Pierre, 1982, Ce que parler veut dire, Paris, Fayard.
Bühler, Karl, 2010 [1934], Théorie du langage, Paris, Agone.
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Chauviré Christiane, 1995, Peirce et la signification, Paris, Vrin.
Crary, Jonathan, Techniques of the observer, Cambridge, MIT Press.
Cuny, Cécile, 2014, Changement urbain et démocratie participative à Berlin, Paris, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme.
De Waal Cornelis, 2013, Peirce : A Guide For The Perplexed, New York, Bloomsbury. Dewey John, 2010 [1934], L’art comme expérience, Paris, Gallimard.
Eco Umberto, 1999, Kant et l’ornithorynque, Paris, Grasset.
Emmorey K., Reilly J.S. (Eds), 1995, Language, Gesture and Space, Hillsdale, Erlbaum.
Enfield N.J., 2009, The Anatomy Of Meaning. Speech, Gestures and Composite Utterances, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
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Ferry, Jean-Marc, 2007, Les grammaires de l’intelligence, Paris, Cerf.
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Garfinkel, Harold, 2007 [1967], Etudes en ethnométhodologie, Paris, PUF.
Geertz, Clifford, 1998, "La description dense", Enquête, 6.
Genard Jean-Louis, 1999, La grammaire de la responsabilité, Paris, Cerf.
____ 2017, "Penser la conception architecturale avec Peirce", Cahiers de recherche sociologique, 62.
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Gibson, James J., 1979, The Ecological Approach To Visual Perception, Boston, Houghton-Mifflin.
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____ 1969a, "The Insanity Of Place", Psychiatry.
____ 1969b, Strategic Interaction, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press.
____ 1981, « Radio-talk. The ways of our errors », Forms of Talk, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press.
____ 1987, Façons de parler, Paris, Minuit.
____ 1991, Les cadres de l’expérience, Paris, Minuit.
____ 2002, L’arrangement des sexes, Paris, La Dispute
Goodwin, Charles, 2011, "Contextures Of Action", in J. Streeck et al (Eds), Embodied Interaction, Cambridge University Press.
____ 2016, "L’organisation co-opérative et transformative de l’action et du savoir humains" (trad: Yael Keplak), Tracés, Hors-série #16.
Graham Paul, 2007, A Shimmer Of Possibility, Londres, MACK.
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Gurwitsch Aaron, 1957, Théorie du champ de la conscience, Paris, Desclée De Brouwer.
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Heidegger Martin, 1992 [1927], Être et temps, Paris, Gallimard.
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Huizinga, Johan, 1938, Homo Ludens. Essais sur la fonction sociale du jeu, Paris, Gallimard.
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Kaufmann Laurence, Quéré Louis (dir.), 2020, Les émotions collectives, Paris, EHESS (Raisons pratiques n°29).
Khamsi James, 2012, "Curious Little Diagrams : Gestalt Psychology And The Urbanism of Colin Rowe And Kevin Lynch", Urban InFill, 5 (Diagrammatically).
Knoespel, Kenneth J., 2002, "Diagrammatic Transformation of Architectural Space", Philosophica, 70, pp. 11-36.
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Liddell, S.K., 2003, Grammar, Gesture And Meaning in American Sign Language, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
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Loehwing, Melanie, 2018, Homeless Advocacy and The Rhetorical Construction of The Civic Home, Pennsylvania University Press.
Malaspina Cécile, 2018, An Epistemology of Noise, London, Bloomsbury. 
Maresca S., Meyer M., Précis de photographie à l’usage des sociologues, Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes (PUR).
Marion Jean-Luc, 2001, De surcroît, Paris, PUF.
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McEvoy, Sebastien, 1995, L’invention défensive, Paris, Métailié.
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Mitchell, W.J.T., 1994, Picture Theory. Essays on Verbal and Visual Representation, Chicago, University Press of Chicago.
Monson, Ingrid, 1996, Sayin’ Something. Jazz Improvisation and Interaction, Chicago, University of Chicago Press.
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Nussbaum Martha, 2011, Les émotions démocratiques, Paris, Flammarion.
Parks, Gordon, 2012, A Harlem Family, Göttingen (Allemagne), Steidl.
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Pink, Sarah, 2006, Doing Visual Ethnography: Images, Media and Representation in Research, London, Sage.
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Quéré Louis, 2016, "L’écologie sémiotique de Charles Goodwin", Tracés, Hors-série #16. Ricœur Paul, 1975, La métaphore vive, Paris, Seuil.
Robinson Andrew, 2010, God and The World of Signs. Trinity, Evolution and The Metaphysical Semiotics of C.S. Peirce, Leyden, Brill.
Rothenstein, Julian, 2019, Black Lives 1900 : W.E.B. Du Bois At The Paris Exposition, London, Redstone.
Rothko Christopher, Mark Rothko : From The Inside Out, New Haven, Yale University Press, 2015.
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Shalin Dmitri, 2007, "Signing In The Flesh : Notes On Pragmatist Hermeneutics", Sociological Theory, 25 (3), pp.193-224.
____ 2013, "Goffman On Mental Illness : Asylums and The Insanity Of Place revisited", Symbolic Interaction.
Simmel, Georg, Les grandes villes et la vie de l’esprit, Paris, Payot, 2013 [1903].
Sommol, Robert, 1999, "Dummy Text, Or The Diagrammatic Basis of Contemporary Architecture", in Peter Eisenman (Ed.), Diagram Diaries, New York, Universe Publishing.
Spinks, C.W., 1991, Peirce And Triadomania. A Walk In The Semiotic Wilderness, Amsterdam, Mouton De Gruyter.
Stavo-Debauge, Joan, 2018, "La ville comme théâtre d’opérations : du sniper au djihadiste", Metrolab Brussels.
Streeck, Goodwin, LeBaron (Eds) 2011, Embodied Interaction, Cambridge University Press.
Tavory Iddo, Timmermans Stefan, 2014, Abductive Analysis. Theorizing Qualitative Research, Chicago, University of Chicago Press.
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Wittgenstein Ludwig, Recherches philosophiques 2004 [1952], Paris, Minuit.
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Master [120] in Sociology

Master [60] in Sociology and Anthropology