Demographic issues and challenges in the 21st century

lsped1214  2025-2026  Louvain-la-Neuve

Demographic issues and challenges in the 21st century
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
30.0 h
Main themes
Each year, this course is structured around the study of eight to ten topics relating to major issues in contemporary Sociodemographics. These issues relate as much to socio-demographic developments and progress in health, as to their causes and economic, social, political and environmental consequences.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 This course aims to give 2nd and 3rd year students on any Bachelor's degree programme a broad overview of the major socio-demographic challenges, which various Northern and Southern regions of the world will face in the 21st century. It also aims to teach students to take a certain critical distance from various commonly held prejudices and presuppositions.
This course offers a broad panorama of the major socio-demographic challenges that the various regions of the world, both North and South, will face in the 21st century. The questions addressed cover both socio-demographic and health trends, as well as their economic, social, political and environmental causes and consequences. The course intends to give students a certain critical distance from public debates on socio-demographic phenomena.
The course is structured around eight to ten themes relating to major contemporary socio-demographic issues. Among the themes covered are:
The demographic transition in different regions of the world
Social demography: its place in the human sciences and in the major societal debates.
The peopling of the planet and the diversity of demographic dynamics in the world.
The aging of the world: trends, causes and consequences.
Accelerated urbanization in the countries of the South.
Causes and consequences of international migration.
Health, social and gender inequalities.
Geography and demography of AIDS and other communicable diseases.
Households, families and societies.
Population policies.
Teaching methods
Lectures with interactive elements and tests (Moodle and QR codes) in the classroom
Weekly homework assignments (text to read, video to watch)
A collective exercise will be organized in mid-November
The material is put on Moodle after the session.
A syllabus is available from DUC (printed version) and Moodle (digital version).
Evaluation methods
Throughout the quadrimester: 20% tests in class.
At each class, there will be 2 MCQ type tests to be taken. Each test counts for 2 points. For the first test, a preparation before the course is necessary. The second test will be based on the content of the session. During the quadrimester, there will be tests in 9 sessions (indicated by "(t)" in the schedule). Of the 18 tests, the 10 best results will be selected.
Evaluation criterion: the correct answer must be selected.
Once during the quadrimester: 10% individual exercise.
The student writes on the Moodle "workshop" tool a structured answer to an open-ended exam-type question. The answer is structured in 4 parts: definition of concepts; establishment of facts; answer to the question; discussion of consequences/challenges.
Evaluation criteria: completion of each part according to the instructions given by the teachers.
Once during the course: 5% individual exercise.
The student receives via Moodle the answers to the previous exercise from 2 classmates and has to evaluate them double-blind.
Evaluation criteria: having completed each part of the evaluation of the text according to the criteria given by the teachers.
At the end of the course: 65% written exam.
6 short questions (MCQ type) on two graphs or tables marked out of 20 points
1 short open question marked out of 10 points
1 long open question requiring a structured answer marked out of 35 points
Evaluation criteria: see learning outcomes.
- Continuous assessment cannot be made up in the 2nd session; the 2nd session final report mark replaces the 1st session final report mark; continuous assessment marks are retained for the 2nd session.
- The use of artificial intelligence is not prohibited, but must comply with the rules set out in the ESPO faculty note on the subject, which is available on its intranet site for students ( 
Other information
Course entry requirements: This course does not require any specific statistical or demographic training. It is aimed at students in their 2nd or 3rd year of any bachelor degree.
Online resources
Materials : provision of references, presentations and other course materials on MoodleUCL.
Bibliographie mise à disposition à chaque séance en fonction du thème abordée. Un syllabus est disponible à la DUC (version imprimée) et Moodle (version digitale).
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Human and Social Sciences

Minor in Political Sciences

Minor : Issues of Transition and Sustainable Development

Additionnal module in Geography

Minor in Population and Development Studies

Additionnal module in Geography : global change and transition management