Urbanisation, migrations internes et migrations internationales

lsped2015  2025-2026  Louvain-la-Neuve

Urbanisation, migrations internes et migrations internationales
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
30.0 h
This course aims to provide students with an in-depth comparative view of internal and international migration and urbanization around the world in relation to social and economic transitions from the 19th to the 21st centuries. At the end of the course, students will be able to:
- Compare migratory and urban situations and developments in the world;
- Critically analyze data sources and analyzes of migration and urbanization;
- Relate these evolutions with the social and economic transitions of the 20th and 21st centuries;
- Organise, distribute, draft, and correct the various parts of the team project within a heterogeneous group.
Teaching methods
  • Working groups are formed to ensure the diversity and heterogeneity of each group of students.
  • Lectures provide concepts and tools, as well as basic knowledge.
  • The intermediate works make it possible to verify the assimilation by the students of the principles of critical analysis of data on migration and urbanization.
  • Intermediate work feedback, Q & A session and oral presentation session allow for staging of group work and interaction between students and with teachers.
  • The final written work assesses knowledge and skills.
Evaluation methods
Work 1: The description of the proposed comparative study, the description of migration data, and the analysis of internal migration should be posted on Moodle (10 pts - each day of delay reduces the score by 5 points).
A peer evaluation within each group (formative self-assessment) will be conducted at the end of this initial work using the Dynamo questionnaire (response is mandatory under penalty of a 5-point deduction).
Work 2: The description of urbanization data, and the analysis of urban transitions should be posted on Moodle (10 pts - each day of delay reduces the score by one point).
Work 3: The description of the data on international migration and the analysis of international migration must be posted on Moodle (10 pts - each day's delay reduces the mark by 5 points).
A peer evaluation of the groups' interim reports will be organised (5pts).
The final report on the case study between 15 and 20 pages of text (+ Tables + Figures + Appendices) is evaluated on the following criteria:
- Country overview and rationale for comparison (5)
- Describe the sources of data on internal migration in each of the two countries. (5)
- Compare internal migration in countries (10)
- Describe the sources of data on urbanization in each of the two countries. (5)
- To show the factors that differentiate the urban transition in the two selected countries. (10)
- Describe the sources of data on international migration in each of the two countries. (5)
- Analyzing international migration between these countries (10)
- Summary and conclusions (10)
- General presentation, written expression, graphics (2)
A grade will be assigned to each student by weighting the group grade with the relative involvement coefficient obtained through peer evaluation within each group (summative self-assessment) conducted after the submission of the final report. Failure to complete the Dynamo questionnaire after the final report submission will be considered as absence from the exam and will result in a grade of 0 for the final evaluation.
- Continuous assessment cannot be made up in the 2nd session; the 2nd session final report mark replaces the 1st session final report mark; continuous assessment marks are retained for the 2nd session.
- The use of artificial intelligence is not prohibited, but must comply with the rules set out in the ESPO faculty note on the subject, which is available on its intranet site for students (http://uclouvain.be/consignes-chatgpt) 
Online resources
A reading portfolio is offered to students as well as a bibliography of references available in the library. Most references are available on Moodle.
Bibliographie mise à disposition à chaque séance en fonction du thème abordée.
Bibliography available at each session depending on the theme.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Population and Development Studies

Master [120] of Education, Section 4 : Social Sciences