Seminar in demography and development: case studies

lsped2030  2025-2026  Louvain-la-Neuve

Seminar in demography and development: case studies
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
6.00 credits
30.0 h

The prerequisite(s) for this Teaching Unit (Unité d’enseignement – UE) for the programmes/courses that offer this Teaching Unit are specified at the end of this sheet.
Main themes
The topics cavered by this seminar will vary from one year to the other depending on the students and on the research topics of the teachers. Some of the possible topics (geographical context and time period to be defined) include : - South-North inequalities and international migrations - Migrations, urbanization and labour market in cities in developing countries - Demographic ageing and migrations in developed countries - The impact of economic and social development on the demographic transition - HIV/AIDS and its demographic and economic consequences - The impact of economic crises on demographic behaviour - The effects of population growth on economic development - Demography, poverty et social exclusion
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 - Through case studies, development of the capacity to analyze in an inter-disciplinary way the relationships between demographic processes and social and economic development in both developed and developing countries - Application of theoretical knowledge acquired in courses demography and development to the analysis of case studies - Development of collaborations between students in demography and development
Each year, teachers choose an interdisciplinary theme where science, politics, and ideology mix or confront each other. The theme brings to thinking about the social, economic, demographic and developmental issues of the choices made around a development project.
The objectives of the seminar are:
  • to understand the complexity of the proposed issue,
  • to show the concrete difficulties of dialogues and negotiations between partners or social groups with divergent interests
  • to move from theoretical knowledge to the implementation of a policy
  • to make students from different backgrounds talk to each other
  • to contribute to the development of teamwork skills
Teaching methods
The seminar takes the form of a role play, after presenting some introductory elements to the selected issue. This "game" ends at the end of the quadrimester with the simulation of a conference where each of the participating actors defends a position at the political and scientific level and negotiates to achieve a more or less consensual policy. To fit into a certain reality and thus facilitate documentation or meetings, the role play revolves around a highly topical development project.
Evaluation methods
Evaluation will be based on individual and group participation in the various stages of the work (including, of course, the conference) as well as on the quality of the interim and final reports. The evaluation is done by the seminar co-teachers. 
Attendance at the seminar sessions and the final conference is mandatory and will be assessed at 15% of the final grade (-3 points for each missed session). 
The remaining 85% will be divided into : 
- 30% for the quality of the actor's presentations and interventions during the role play 
- 15% for the quality of the written intermediate report 
- 40% for the quality of the final written report. 
These 85% will be weighted by the relative involvement score obtained by the peer evaluation. We will use a peer self-assessment tool that aims for more fairness in individual ratings by weighting the rating of group work by actual participation, as assessed by peers in the same group, and at the individual oral with co-applicants in the January session. 
The oral will be considered for examination: attendance is mandatory and this oral will be an opportunity for each student to answer questions from the chairpersons about his/her participation in the group work.  
Students who fail in January will be informed by the co-recipients of the evaluation procedures. In all cases, the August grade will take into account participation in the seminar (participation in group work and sessions). 
The intermediate written report of no more than 4 pages (excluding bibliography) will include the following:
- General problem: it is necessary to identify the major economic and geopolitical issues in which the project is involved.
- Context: describe the context and preliminary characteristics of the project
- Presentation of your stakeholder: this key section (2 pages minimum) should describe your stakeholder: its identity, structure, size, and operations. It should also specify its interests in the context of the project. If your actor can be imaginary, his characteristics and interests must be as precise and plausible as possible. Do not forget to use the scientific literature to justify the elements of the pre-report.
The final written report will include the following: 
- General issue (revised)
- Background (revised)
- Presentation of the represented actor (revised)
- Positions and strategies during the role play 
- Organization of the work in the group and opinions on the game 
- Conclusion 
- Bibliography and contacts made 
- Possible appendices 
The written report is a critical scientific work. In addition to presenting and justifying the positions taken during the role-play, you should also critically examine your actor and the arguments put forward during the role-play. The presentation of the arguments and their critique will be based on scientific literature, contacts with resource persons, etc. All sources must be acknowledged, plagiarism will not be tolerated (for more information:
Other information
Seminar accessible only to students of the Master in population and development
Online resources
Most of the resources are offered by the students themselves, helped by their teachers
Les références dépendent du thème choisi chaque année.
The references depend on the theme chosen each year.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Population and Development Studies