The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
4.00 credits
30.0 h
This biannual learning unit is being organized in 2025-2026
Main themes
To achieve those objectives, one will offer:
- an original critical research on a question of dogmatics or on a significant work;
- readings, developments and discussion with the professor.
- an original critical research on a question of dogmatics or on a significant work;
- readings, developments and discussion with the professor.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to : | |
1 | - highlight the interest, the requirements and the dynamics of a research of dogmatic theology; |
2 | - understand problems in their complexity, to assess their fundamental issues and their practical impact; |
3 | - elaborate a personal thought by integrating the bringing-in of a research. |
The bodies of truth
Theological tradition orders a methodical search for truth. If there is a corporeality of grace, there is also a corporeality of truth in the Christian economy: truth takes shape in the events of revelation, in their oral and written attestation, in the doctrine that soon develops into the Creed of the Churches. Two-thousand-year-old Christian theology holds the potential to "liberate" truth from the sources of occultation and the bonds of injustice that hold it captive.
It is undoubtedly opportune to call on these resources to respond to the threats weighing in our societies on the conditions of a free, collective and public search for truth, which constitutes the sine qua non of science, democracy and religious freedom. Public life is experiencing worrying attacks on freedom of expression and the integrity of adversarial debate, without which there can be no democratic deliberation worthy of the name.
Is the theological act anything other than a determined effort to bring the question of truth back to the ultimate questions?
The bodies of truth
Theological tradition orders a methodical search for truth. If there is a corporeality of grace, there is also a corporeality of truth in the Christian economy: truth takes shape in the events of revelation, in their oral and written attestation, in the doctrine that soon develops into the Creed of the Churches. Two-thousand-year-old Christian theology holds the potential to "liberate" truth from the sources of occultation and the bonds of injustice that hold it captive.
It is undoubtedly opportune to call on these resources to respond to the threats weighing in our societies on the conditions of a free, collective and public search for truth, which constitutes the sine qua non of science, democracy and religious freedom. Public life is experiencing worrying attacks on freedom of expression and the integrity of adversarial debate, without which there can be no democratic deliberation worthy of the name.
Is the theological act anything other than a determined effort to bring the question of truth back to the ultimate questions?
Evaluation methods
15-minute oral exam. The student presents orally a written work that has been sent by e-mail to the professor at least 48 hours before the date of the exam.
This written work is a synthesis in which the student proposes a personal and argued positioning of the questioning treated in the course. The student chooses an article among the 10 proposed and offers an original synthesis in fundamental, biblical and dogmatic theology (A4 format, recto/verso, 1000 words, 6000 characters including spaces).
This written work is a synthesis in which the student proposes a personal and argued positioning of the questioning treated in the course. The student chooses an article among the 10 proposed and offers an original synthesis in fundamental, biblical and dogmatic theology (A4 format, recto/verso, 1000 words, 6000 characters including spaces).
Other information
Faculty or entity