The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
30.0 h
This biannual learning unit is not being organized in 2025-2026 !
Main themes
To reach the aims, the seminar will:
- address some methodological questions and selected areas where ethical analysis play a crucial role today ;
- focus specifically on bounds between practical issues and the relevance of fundamental reflections ;
- study with a particular interest the status of religious dimension in debates about values and norms.
- address some methodological questions and selected areas where ethical analysis play a crucial role today ;
- focus specifically on bounds between practical issues and the relevance of fundamental reflections ;
- study with a particular interest the status of religious dimension in debates about values and norms.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to : | |
1 | - to make a research in the field of applied ethics ; |
2 | - to use conceptual tools of current research in ethics ; |
3 | - to communicate orally and by paper the results of his research. |
The course focuses on research methodologies and ethical challenges in analyzing genocide, using the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda and its aftermath as a case study. The seminar combines analytical and synthetic aspects. Introductory lectures revolve around various sources of genocide-related materials, such as personal memories, interviews, criminal court reports, images, scholarly articles, books, and newspaper reports. Through interactions with the instructor and peers, students learn to find, assess, and integrate different information sources while discussing the specifics of various media and potential ethical challenges in their research. The synthetic part involves students working on their research papers throughout the semester, simulating the process of publishing an academic article. Participants first decide on their topic and paper outline, presenting it to the group for direct feedback from the instructor and peers. Next, they submit an initial draft for written feedback from two peers. The received feedback and reviews then guide them in redacting the final paper, submitted at the end of the quadrimester.
Teaching methods
The seminar aims to equip students with the skills necessary to conduct independent, academically rigorous, and ethically responsible research. The sessions are structured as collaborative learning experiences, where students engage in concrete, modular research exercises and discussions under the guidance of the instructor, fostering an environment of mutual learning.
Evaluation methods
Evaluation is based on continuous assessment (50%) and the final written assignment (50%). Continuous assessment is graded on the basis of active participation in the seminars and online activities on Moodle. It is important to note that active participation in the seminar is a prerequisite for the submission of the final work.
Other information
Le cours est dispensé en français, mais des aménagements sont prévus pour les étudiant·e·s non francophones. Il leur est possible de poser des questions, de s'entretenir avec l'enseignant·e et de soumettre leurs travaux en anglais.
Online resources
A selection of scholarly texts and online resources will be made available on Moodle.
Faculty or entity