Revision and Post-Editing

ltrad2200  2025-2026  Louvain-la-Neuve

Revision and Post-Editing
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
4.00 credits
15.0 h + 15.0 h
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 Demonstrate knowledge and command of the concepts and techniques involved in revision and post-editing (metalanguage of translation / revision / post-editing);
2 Distinguish between a translation that meets the required standard of quality and one that requires revision;
3 Determine that a given translation is not of sufficient quality to merit editing;
4 Identify in a translation, whether effected by machine or by a translator, the nature of the elements to edit in line with the pertaining criteria or parameters of quality control, and the different levels of editing involved;
5 Identify the most appropriate translation theory reference sources in implementing the checks and/or corrections necessary in a translation which is to be revised and/or post-edited;
6 Demonstrate command of the specific CAT tools to use in revising and post-editing a translation;
7 Produce a research paper on a specific subject related to revision / post-editing, setting forth theory-informed argumentation and concrete examples from his or her own translation practice.
8 Contribution of teaching unit to learning outcomes assigned to programme
This unit contributes to the acquisition and development of the following learning outcomes, as assigned to the Master's degree in translation :
  • 2.4,  2.5
  • 5.10
Theory [lectures] and practice [exercise sessions] related to revision and post-editing.  
Both subjects are approached from an empirical questioning method:  
- What is revision/post-editing? Brief history, definitions, typology, etc.  
- Why revise/post-edit? Quality standards, etc. 
- What to revise/post-edit? Human translation vs. machine translation, document formats, etc. 
- How to revise/post-edit? Theories, schools of thought, strategies, methods and techniques, procedures, criteria and parameters, revision/post-editing tools, etc., with examples and exercises. 
- Who revises/post-edits? The role and skills of the reviser/post-editor, the reviser-revised relationship, the place of the reviser within the professional relationships involved in managing a translation project, etc.  
Exchanges of experience: meeting the world of professional revision and post-editing
Teaching methods
In-situ lectures and training sessions.
  • Lectures presenting the theoretical aspects and practical examples of revision and post-editing;
  • Training material and documents (theory and exercises, bibliography and recommended reading list, vocabulary of revision and post-editing) available on the e-learning platform.
  • In-situ training sessions  
Evaluation methods
The final evaluation of the first (January) and second (August/September) sessions consists of a written exam focused on the theoretical aspects of revision and post-editing (one third of the overall rating), and practical aspects of revision (one third of the overall rating) and practical aspects of post-editing (one third of the overall rating),
In all three parts of the overall evaluation, be it the theory or the practical aspects of revision and post-editing, the student will be able to demonstrate a perfect command ot the metalanguage (terms and definitions) of revision and post-editing.
Unless otherwise specified on Moodle as from the beginning of the academic period, student obtaining a failure mark for the overall evaluation in the first session (June) will have to retake all three parts of the evaluation in the second session (August-September).
A student obtaining a failure mark for the overall evaluation in the second session (August-September) will have to retake all three parts of the evaluation during the following academic year.
As a "revision" task applied to a text produced by machine translation (MT), post-editing is based on the use of machine translation (MT) software. Therefore, the use of MT software or generative artificial intelligence (AI) will be allowed only under the strict guidance of - and according the specifications exposed by - the teacher in charge of the post-editing part of the course.
Unless explicitly specified otherwise, the use of machine translation software or generative artificial intelligence (AI) is STRICTLY prohibited, whether in the context of practical exercises or examinations. In any case, generative artificial intelligences (AI) must be used responsibly and in accordance with the practices of academic and scientific integrity and the specifications of the exercise or examination. Scientific integrity meaning always citing all sources used, the use of AI must be mentionned in all instances. In any case, all sources used will be appropriately cited and referenced.
Any use of AI in the frame of tasks in which AI is explicitely forbidden will be automatically considered a case of cheating.
Other information
Given the specific nature of the subject of this course, namely the revision and post-editing of texts written or translated in French, this course requires students to have an excellent command of and fine expertise in the French language. A C2 level of the European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is therefore required in French.
Éléments de bibliographie générale – Révision :
BISAILLON, Jocelyne (Sous la direction de].- La révision professionnelle : processus, stratégies et pratiques.-
Québec : Editions Note Bene, 2007.
DELISLE, Jean, LEE-JAHNKE, Hannelore, et CORMIER, Monique.- Terminologie de la traduction = Translation
terminology = Terminología de la traducción. Amsterdam : Benjamins, 1999.
Guide du réviseur.- Secrétariat d'État du Canada / Bureau des traductions / Direction des services linguistiques,
HORGUELIN, Paul A. & BRUNETTE, Louise.- Pratique de la révision.- Montréal (Québec) : Linguatech, 1998 [3e
édition revue et augmentée].
HORGUELIN, Paul-A. et PHARAND, Michelle.- Pratique de la révision.- Montréal : Linguatech, 2009 [4e édition
revue et augmentée].
LACHANCE, Ginette.- La révision linguistique en français. Le métier d'une passion, la passion d'un métier. Sillery
(Québec): Les éditions du Septentrion, 2007.
Éléments de bibliographie générale – Post-édition :
FORCADA, M. L. (2017). Making sense of neural machine translation. Translation spaces, 6(2), 291-309.
GARCÍA, I. (2012). A brief history of postediting and of research on postediting. Revista Anglo Saxonica, 291-310.
HEARNE, M., & WAY, A. (2011). Statistical Machine Translation: A Guide for Linguists and Translators. Lang. Linguistics Compass, 5, 205-226.
KENNY, D. (2022). Machine translation for everyone: Empowering users in the age of artificial intelligence. Language Science Press. 
POIBEAU, T. (2019). Babel 2.0: où va la traduction automatique ? . Odile Jacob.
VIEIRA, L. N. (2019). Post-editing of machine translation. The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Technology, 319-332.
Pour les références bibliographiques détaillées et actualisées : se reporter aux documents mis à dispositions sur la plateforme Moodle.
Teaching materials
  • Révision : documents de travail mis à disposition via Moodle
  • Post-édition : documents de travail mis à disposition via Moodle
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Translation