Labour context in Europe

ltrav2700  2025-2026  Louvain-la-Neuve

Labour context in Europe
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
15.0 h
Main themes
They will give them an initial understanding of the economic, political, institutional and industrial relations context in these countries (i.e. France, Germany, Great Britain, It-aly, Portugal and Spain). It will also seek, through reading and discussions during ses-sions, to lead a reflection on the issue of working time in these countries. By the end of the course, students will understand how this issue presents in the country that they are working on as a group. Content: To deal with the 'contextual factors of work', students will have take an interest not only in the contexts in which the work is carried out, but also in the work itself. In order to address it concretely, the seminar will be based on a study of a particular issue such as working time or equal opportunities. In the framework of a research project sce-nario, we will attempt to find out whether there is convergence of working time in various countries of the European Union, and, if so, why. The focus will therefore be on identify-ing the regulations in force in these countries, the debates that are taking place, any negotiations under way on the subject, and the economic, political, institutional and in-dustrial relations contexts in which this issue occurs.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 - To describe to students the contexts in the various countries of the European Union that give them the ba-sic information they need in order to embark on comparative studies of labour issues. - Students will be encouraged through supervised reading to work in the three following areas: - comparative economic and social geography in the countries of the European Union; - comparative political systems in countries of the European Union; - technology, work organisation and ergonomics. The seminar will aim to familiarise students with the key features of the world of work environment in European countries participating in the 'Master européen en Sciences du Travail'

Welcome to the fascinating world of work! And welcome to Europe!

The course intends to develop your capacity to build up your own thinking on country comparisons.
As the course’s title is ‘Labour contexts in Europe”, we will focus on countries of the European Union and on topics related to work and employment.
At the end of this course, you will be able to:
  1. Present clearly and precisely comparative studies on work-related topics;
  2. Explain what one can compare to show similarities and differences;
  3. Identify different methods used to compare countries;
  4. List a number of factors that favor similarity or difference between countries;
  5. And, finally, evaluate whether globalization suppresses national distinctiveness, or not!
In addition, you will develop your capacity to:
  • Read scientific literature on work-related topics;
  • Work in team;
  • Build up your own thinking from different scientific inputs.
Teaching methods
The course requires your active participation.
You will organize into small teams of two or three students.
Your team will choose two member States of the European Union. You will conduct a comparative study of these countries, present your findings in the class, and discuss with other teams and with myself to build your comparison of countries. Each team will have to deliver presentations in the class, and will benefit from other teams’ presentations.
Evaluation methods
The evaluation is composed of two parts:
  1. Your group presentation in the classroom;
  2. Your individual paper.
Each counts for 50% of the grade for the course.
Your work consists in original production on your part. Even if you use the help of a conversational robot, for instance, your work must demonstrate scientific soundness, be based on reliable and high-quality sources, and clearly show the stages of your reasoning. The evaluation criteria that I provide precisely indicate what I expect.
Other information
This course is part of a study programme that takes place in the evenings and on Saturday mornings
Online resources
The course website on Moodle provides a lot of information and resources. However, participation in class and in the group sessions is necessary to attain the course objectives.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Labour sciences (shift schedule)

Master [60] in Labour Sciences (shift schedule)