Integrated exercices

lvete1381  2025-2026  Louvain-la-Neuve

Integrated exercices
The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
10.0 h + 40.0 h
Q1 and Q2
Knowledge of advanced biochemistry and embryology, basic physiology, immunology, epidemiology ; ethology, ethnography and anatomy of domestic animals, and biostatistics and critical analysis of information is recommended for these integration exercises
Main themes
Each group will draw two themes: one will relate more specifically to the subjects seen in the baccalaureate; the other will deal with a theme not seen but the concepts seen in the baccalaureate can be used and supplemented by bibliographical research
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :


At the end of the integration exercises, the students will be (better) able to :
·         establish explicit links between the courses and concepts: integrate the contents of the courses of the 3 bac years (anatomy, histology, biochemistry, physiology, embryology, immunology, microbiology, ethology, genetics, '
·         search in autonomy the right information, new or complementary to the courses;
·         analyze, understand, summarize a scientific subject (theories, research papers, ');
·         answer a scientific question with method;
·         present on a attractive and didactic way scientific knowledge integrated in a concept map or a poster;
work in groups (organization of the tasks and time') in autonomy
Two integration exercises are carried out during the year in groups of 4 to 5 students in autonomy. The subjects of the exercises are drawn at the start of the first semester. An exercise concerns the creation of a poster on a scientific subject in connection with subjects and concepts seen in the BAC courses and that could include ethical and/or sustainable development issues. In the second exercise, the students make a concept map on a subject seen during their studies. They must integrate the notions and concepts seen in the different courses and supplement them with data from the scientific literature.
Teaching methods
The realization of the exercises will be done in strong autonomy. Nevertheless, the students will benefit from information sessions and help on the realization of the poster (how to make a good scientific poster?) And the realization of the concept map (how to design a concept map, use of CMapTools software). Two coaching sessions with a teacher are planned. They will have the opportunity to present a draft of their poster and map before the final evaluation to benefit from the advice and remarks of other students and teachers.
Evaluation methods
The evaluation of the poster will be done at the beginning of the 2nd quadrimester, while the evaluation of the map will be done at the end of the 2nd semester. A jury composed of several professors will evaluate the quality of each work (map and poster, presentation) as well as the knowledge of the students on the subject (answers to questions). The final mark will include half evaluation of the work of the group, weighted by the assessment made by the other members of the group of the student's involvement in the preparation of the work, and half a personal assessment (presentation, answers to the questions).
Online resources
All information is available on Moodle platform. The students in each group can communicate with each other and with their coach and exchange documents via the tools of the platform.

Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Veterinary Medicine