The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
30.0 h + 10.0 h
The main objectives of the course are to
Introduce the basic concepts of operations management
Present a reference framework structuring management functions
Introduce to the techniques, methods and tools used at different levels of analysis and decision-making
Illustrate the different interactions of the functions making up operations management with each other and with other business management functions
It establishes links with subjects from other courses such as management control, project management, etc.
In this way, at the end of this course, the student will be able to understand and analyze overall the functioning of operations within a manufacturing company and to propose changes.
Teaching methods
- Lecture during which students are frequently invited to ask questions Suggested exercises associated with the concepts presented, followed by their correction.
Evaluation methods
A written exam for solving closed-book exercises (except the form and tables which will be provided for the exam).
The achievement of the following objectives will be tested during the evaluation:
• Objective 1: resolve a scheduling or inventory management problem (operational decisions)
• Objective 2: know how to solve a production planning problem (tactical decision)
• Objective 3: project management and design of a production center (strategic decisions)
• Objective 4: know how to formulate, solve with Excel and interpret the solution to a production problem.
Other information
The course is given in French.
Online resources
The course material consists of Powerpoint presentations in French with comments covering the main concepts presented, definitions, explanations or reference texts.
Documentation and notes are also offered to students.
1. GIARD, Gestion de la production et des flux, Economica, 2003.
2. BAGLIN, BRUEL, KERBACHE, NEHME et VAN DELFT, Management Industriel et Logistique, Economica,
3. MAC CLAIN, et al., Operations Management: Production of Goods and Services, Prentice Hall, 1992.· Gestion des Opérations
2. BAGLIN, BRUEL, KERBACHE, NEHME et VAN DELFT, Management Industriel et Logistique, Economica,
3. MAC CLAIN, et al., Operations Management: Production of Goods and Services, Prentice Hall, 1992.· Gestion des Opérations
Teaching materials
- Production, Daniel DE WOLF, UCLouvain, 23 août 2024, 150 pages
Faculty or entity