The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
30.0 h
Godart Jacques; Tancrez Jean-Sébastien (coordinator);
Basic notions of mathematics, probability theory and statistics.
Main themes
For the majority, projects are ubiquitous in the professional and economic life as well as in the private life. The economic environment being more and more complex and competitive, systematic and structured project management is essential to succeed in projects that are increasingly strategic, multidisciplinary, specific, challenging, and under resource and time constraints.
Accordingly, project management gains more and more in importance in the career of a business manager.
In this course, several topics will be addressed, following the different stages of a project:
- The importance of project management and the organizational structures
- The project definition and the evaluation of its duration and cost
- Project planning methodologies
- Risk management in projects
- Resource scheduling
- The reduction of a project duration
- The control and closing of a project
Accordingly, project management gains more and more in importance in the career of a business manager.
In this course, several topics will be addressed, following the different stages of a project:
- The importance of project management and the organizational structures
- The project definition and the evaluation of its duration and cost
- Project planning methodologies
- Risk management in projects
- Resource scheduling
- The reduction of a project duration
- The control and closing of a project
Learning outcomes
At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to : | |
1 | At the end of this course, the student is able to: - Recognize the context in which a project evolves, so that its management fits its strategic importance. - Define completely a project and use adequate methods to evaluate its duration and cost. - Plan the succession of activities of a project, skillfully applying basic methodologies. - Identify, assess and manage risks in a project, in order to limit their impact on the project success. - Recognize and compute the impact of limited resources on the planning of a project. - Choose and apply adequate approaches to decrease the duration of a project, comparing this decrease with the involvements on the costs. - Measure and control the progress of a project, in order to adopt proper corrective actions. |
For many people, projects are an integral part of their professional, business and personal lives. As the economic environment becomes ever more complex and competitive, methodical and structured project management is essential to the successful completion of projects that are increasingly strategic, multidisciplinary, specific, demanding and subject to resource and deadline constraints. Project management is becoming an increasingly important and crucial part of the management profession.
In this course, several interdependent themes in project management will be covered:
In this course, several interdependent themes in project management will be covered:
- The concept of a project
- The organisational context of a project
- Defining a project
- Assessing the duration and cost of a project
- Project planning
- Project risk management
- Resource scheduling
- Project control and closure
- Strategic project alignment and project portfolio management
- Team management and leadership in a project context
- Project change management
Teaching methods
Lectures, exercises, software training, group work.
Evaluation methods
In-session written exam and group work (single assessment).
The in-session written exam counts for 70% of the final mark, and the group work for 30% of the final mark. A detailed presentation of the work will be provided at the beginning of the course. A written report is due in December. The work can only be submitted once : in December. There is no possibility of submitting the work on another date.
The in-session written exam counts for 70% of the final mark, and the group work for 30% of the final mark. A detailed presentation of the work will be provided at the beginning of the course. A written report is due in December. The work can only be submitted once : in December. There is no possibility of submitting the work on another date.
Ouvrages de référence :
- E. W. Larson et G. F. Gray, adaptation française par C.-A. Guillotte et J. Charbonneau, Management de projet, 2ème édition, Dunod, 2014 et 3ème édition, Gaetan Morin Cheneliere Education, 2019.
- Project Management Institute, Guide du corpus de connaissances en management de projet (PMBOK), 5ème Edition, 2014. et 7ème Edition, 2021.
- J. Godart, Stratégie, Formation et pratiques pro, Ellipses, 2022.
- E. W. Larson and G. F. Gray, Project Management, The Managerial Process, 6th edition, McGraw-Hill, 2014 et 8th edition, 2021.
- V. Drecq, Pratiques de management de projet, 2de édition, Dunod, 2017.
- J. Kotter et H. Rathgeber, Alerte sur la banquise, Pearson France, 2de édition, 2018.
Faculty or entity