The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
5.00 credits
30.0 h + 15.0 h
1. The origins of the current multilateral trading system
2. The (non) governance of trading flows since the 1970s:
3. Current economic governance challenges
1. The origins of the current multilateral trading system
2. The (non) governance of trading flows since the 1970s:
- The rise of global value chains and its impact on economic governance
- Trade agreements
- Foreign direct investments
- Standards and interoperability
- Social challenges
- The fall of the Bretton Woods system and the financial deregulation:
- Financial crises and the impact of speculation
- Fiscal optimisation and evasion
3. Current economic governance challenges
- The shift in the balance of global economic power: the multilateral trading system in question?
- Rising Emerging economies
- Rising protectionisms and nationalisms
- The 2008 crisis: a path towards further financial regulation ?
- Technological change, COVID19 pandemic and Russian invasion of Ukraine: supply chain management and the affirmation of strategic autonomy
Teaching methods
Lectures will alternate with seminar sessions.
Lectures may also be supplemented with critical reading and discussion of published articles and book chapters.
Lectures may also be supplemented with critical reading and discussion of published articles and book chapters.
Evaluation methods
Reading reports AND/OR essays AND/OR oral presentations
Online resources
All necessary documents will be posted on the student corner's platform
Key Readings and references will be proposed among the following (non-exhaustive) bibliography:
Bergsten C.F., The United States vs. China: The quest for global economic leadership, Polity press, 2022
Hopewell Kristen, Clash of Powers: US-China rivalry in global trade governance, Cambridge University, 2020
Heydon Ken, The political economy of international trade, Polity press, 2020
Ravenhill John, International Political Economy, 6th edition, 2020
Blustein Paul, Schism, China, America and the fracturing of the global trading system, Cigi Press, 2019
Krishen Koul Anton, Guide to the WTO and GATT: economics, Law and Politics, Springer, 2018
Dicken Peter, Global Shift 7th edition, SAGE Edition, 2015
Adda Jacques, Histoire de la Mondialisation, La découverte, 2007
Helleiner Eric, States and the reemergence of global finance, 1994
Bergsten C.F., The United States vs. China: The quest for global economic leadership, Polity press, 2022
Hopewell Kristen, Clash of Powers: US-China rivalry in global trade governance, Cambridge University, 2020
Heydon Ken, The political economy of international trade, Polity press, 2020
Ravenhill John, International Political Economy, 6th edition, 2020
Blustein Paul, Schism, China, America and the fracturing of the global trading system, Cigi Press, 2019
Krishen Koul Anton, Guide to the WTO and GATT: economics, Law and Politics, Springer, 2018
Dicken Peter, Global Shift 7th edition, SAGE Edition, 2015
Adda Jacques, Histoire de la Mondialisation, La découverte, 2007
Helleiner Eric, States and the reemergence of global finance, 1994
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