The version you’re consulting is not final. This course description may change. The final version will be published on 1st June.
2.00 credits
15.0 h
Main themes
In his daily professional and personal activities, the phamacist is susceptible to be confronted to an emergency situation, that he needs to be able to identify rapidly. The assistance to a person in danger, included in the penal code, is accentuated for every professional, which puts him in the obligation to acquire the specific competency required in these situations.
In general, the learning program includes :
global analysis of the situation, securing of the area, calling for professional assistance, the administration of first aid and the surveillance of victims while awaiting the arrival of professional assistance.
The program equally focuses on the teaching of essential techniques (for example, moving an injured victim in danger to a safety zone, stopping hemorragia, dealing with suffocation in adults as well as in children, how to react when faced with a victim who presents a malaise or a cardiopulmonary arrest, a burn, an open wound or any other trauma
Learning outcomes
At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to : | |
1 | At the end of this course, the practising phamacist will have acquired the basic skills to be able to adequatly react in emergency situations that are frequently encountered in the domain. |
In his professional or private activities, the pharmacist is likely to be confronted with an acute situation on a daily basis, which he must be able to identify immediately.
In general, the course should allow: analyzing a situation, securing the premises, calling for help, administering first aid and monitoring victims while waiting for help
In general, the course should allow: analyzing a situation, securing the premises, calling for help, administering first aid and monitoring victims while waiting for help
Teaching methods
The main objective of the course is to train candidates in the gestures and attitudes to have when faced with the critical medical problems to which their professional activity potentially exposes them. The training will first focus on the recognition of potentially serious medical problems and on the identification of warning signs that should lead to the call to doctors and / or specialized help. The actions and attitudes to adopt while waiting for the arrival of medical reinforcements will then be taught. Given the academic nature of the course, a second objective will be to provide an understanding of the physiological mechanisms involved in the pathologies and treatments presented.
Evaluation methods
The assessment of learning will be written (in June or September) in the form of a MCQ. You must register on time otherwise you will be postponed to the September session.
In the event of illness during the examination, a medical certificate must be submitted within 2 days (at least one scan of the medical certificate sent to the CT and to the faculty's secretariat, any certificate arriving after the date of the deliberation cannot be taken into consideration) and the completion of this exam will be postponed to the next session, i.e. in September (no possibility of taking the exam outside of sessions).
In the event of illness during the examination, a medical certificate must be submitted within 2 days (at least one scan of the medical certificate sent to the CT and to the faculty's secretariat, any certificate arriving after the date of the deliberation cannot be taken into consideration) and the completion of this exam will be postponed to the next session, i.e. in September (no possibility of taking the exam outside of sessions).
Other information
the fundamentals of anatomy, physiology and pharmacology are necessary for an understanding of the concepts discussed and learnt during this course. Study material : the course work is available on Moodle website.
Online resources
Students are invited to log in to Moodle for course support
Teaching materials
- Diaporamas disponibles sur Moodle
Faculty or entity
Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)
Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Pharmacy