Séminaire d'Anthropologie du Numérique : technologie, jeux vidéos et mondes virtuels

lantr2115  2024-2025  Louvain-la-Neuve

Séminaire d'Anthropologie du Numérique : technologie, jeux vidéos et mondes virtuels
5.00 credits
15.0 h
Scheepmans Lionel (compensates Servais Olivier); Servais Olivier;
This seminar begins with a presentation of digital tools and techniques useful in digital anthropology. It continues with reciprocal learning between male and female participants, based on observations and analyses of human activities produced within the digital space. The themes addressed during presentations and discussions may concern video games and "virtual" worlds, as indicated in the course title, but also any other digital environment conducive to human experience (dating sites, social networks, collaborative platforms, use of artificial intelligence, Internet fraud, etc.). Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
Teaching methods
Based on the seminar principle and with the support of the supervising teacher, teaching is based on the transmission of knowledge presented to the other participants in the form of work that will be the subject of a collective debate. These works, whether produced individually or in groups, are published on a web page on the Wikiversité site, before being exchanged and commented on by the other participants on the associated discussion pages.
The 15 hours of face-to-face seminar classes are divided as follows: A compulsory full day at the beginning of the term to launch online activities. A second compulsory closing day at the end of the term, devoted to the collective evaluation process and discovery of the video game industry, organized at the "Quai 10" game center in Charleroi. Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
Evaluation methods
Participation and skills acquired during the seminar will be assessed in three ways.
The first mode, which will determine half of the final grade, is based on continuous, weekly work spread over the whole term. This will consist of a series of tasks to be carried out online, with a loss of points for each task not completed.
A second mode, accounting for a quarter of the final grade, will be an oral and collective examination, during which each participant will be able to test the other participants' understanding of the content of his or her personal work.
A third mode, accounting for the final quarter of points, will be based on a collective evaluation of the work published on the Wikiversité web pages, based on the choice of the three works preferred by each participant.
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
Other information
The use of artificial intelligence in the assessment tests of this course is governed by the rules set out in the faculty memorandum on the subject, available on the faculty intranet in the student information section. These rules will be discussed in detail at the beginning of the course, during the time devoted to the discovery and use of digital tools in digital anthropology.
Online resources
While respecting everyone's wishes and privacy, the Wikiversité project will serve as a digital space for organizing this digital anthropology seminar. All information concerning the seminar, which will take place over the past year 2024, is publicly accessible via the following URL: https://fr.wikiversity.org/wiki/Anthropologie_num%C3%A9rique/Session_UCLouvain_2024
Servais O., Dans la peau des gamers, Paris, 2020.
Scheepmans L., Le mouvement Wikimédia, Wikilivres, 2023
Teaching materials
  • Le cours complet d'anthropologie numérique produit sur Wikiversité et amélioré chaque année par les participants du séminaire est accessible via l'URL suivante : https://fr.wikiversity.org/wiki/Anthropologie_num%C3%A9rique
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Anthropology

Master [120] in Multilingual Communication

Master [120] in French and Romance Languages and Literatures : French as a Foreign Language

Master [120] in Communication

Master [120] in History of Art and Archaeology: Musicology

Master [120] in Translation

Master [120] in Interpreting

Master [120] in Sociology

Master [120] in History

Master [120] in Ancient and Modern Languages and Literatures

Master [60] in History

Master [120] in Linguistics

Advanced Master in Visual Cultures

Master [120] in Ethics

Master [120] in Philosophy

Master [60] in History of Art and Archaeology : General

Master [60] in History of Art and Archaeology: Musicology

Master [60] in Sociology and Anthropology