The 20th century built heritage and the preservation project

lbarc2144  2024-2025  Bruxelles Saint-Gilles

The 20th century built heritage and the preservation project
3.00 credits
30.0 h
Main themes
The 20th  century was a prolific and foundational period for architecture. It was at this point that the concept of innovation in construction became unavoidable, both in improvements to tried and tested techniques and the introduction of new materials and construction systems, most often dependent on the logic of industrialisation of building. The spatial, constructional and formal outcomes of this radical paradigm shift that began at the end of the 19th century and retains some relevance today form a significant and many-sided topic. 
Understanding the constructional logic of the recent past makes it possible, through its interpretation, to grasp the dynamics of today's design. But beyond its obvious cultural implications, a meticulous understanding of the material specifics of modern and contemporary production, down to the scale of the detail, should also be seen as a crucial step in implementing the project for preserving existing buildings with an eye to their adaptation to current technical uses and constraints. Hence the investigation of systems, processes and materials also takes account of the challenges of their conservation/adaptation, or even, where appropriate, their replacement with contemporary techniques.
20th-century building, by its constructional specifics, requires  us to develop purpose-made preservation strategies. Critical history and the analysis of construction and materials thus provide us with both a methodological basis and a true design tool in a creative process combining theoretical knowledge and technical know-how, demonstrating the disciplinary coherence of the options chosen. 
In studying events that were particularly formative for the discipline, the course will deal with theoretical and operational design in the existing – conservation, restoration, renovation, reuse, as well as techniques of intervention in 20th-century building – ranging from the monumental heritage to more ordinary works. Notions of the history of the theories of conservation that developed in the 19th and 20th centuries will be developed throughout the quadrimester, not only by studying the foundations of the discipline, but also by stimulating students to develop a critical and coherent attitude to the project in the existing.
Building within the built is not a new practice. What makes it a contemporary attitude is the kind of theoretical and practical questioning of the architectural object, as well as a close look at the materiality of the built environment, its authenticity and its durability.

Existing buildings should be considered first and foremost as a resource, and should be apprehended using appropriate methodological tools. The aim of this course is to provide students with the fundamental knowledge they need to approach projects, whether they involve the restoration/conservation of objects of recognised monumental value, or the renovation of more ordinary buildings. The challenges of sustainable development, through the upgrading of existing buildings to meet the imperatives of energy saving and sustainability in the broadest sense, will be particularly addressed in the course, with regard to their cultural, technical, social and other implications.
Teaching methods
The course programme alternates between seminars and ex-cathedra lectures, including conferences given by external personalities. 
An introduction to the methods and sources of monographic study will be organised in order to carry out the analytical work required for the assessment of knowledge.
Evaluation methods
Based on a critical analysis of a case study selected in consultation with the teachers, the work required must enable the student to grasp the specific features of a building conservation project (restoration, renovation, bringing up to standard, reuse, energy optimisation, etc.). Analysis work is carried out either individually or in small groups of 2 or 3 students. 

Assessment takes the form of an in-session oral examination based on a discussion of the dissertation (30 minutes). A brief presentation of the personal work is followed by a discussion session with the teachers. Invited experts may take part in the discussion. The assessment criteria are :

- Understanding of the subject and identification of the issues
- Relevance of the critical analysis to the concepts covered in the course
- Clarity of writing and exposition
Une bibliographie spécifique, par thème traité, sera distribuée pendant les cours.
Les supports de cours seront mis à disposition des étudiant·e·s via la plateforme d'échange Moodle du cours.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Architecture (Tournai)

Master [120] in Architecture (Bruxelles)