Master thesis' accompanying seminar

lbire2210  2024-2025  Louvain-la-Neuve

Master thesis' accompanying seminar
3.00 credits
30.0 h
Q1 and Q2
Main themes
The master thesis is an initiation to research work. It is a personal approach that, under the guidance of a teacher, develops the capacity to master experimental approaches, to interpret results on the basis of state-of-the-art knowledge and to identify the perspectives of future investigations. In addition to this methodology, the student should be able to communicate clearly and orally the results of his work. He should also keep a critical mind on the correspondence between the followed approach and the pursued objectives.
In order to make them more visible, these communication activities and critical analysis exercises are valorized through seminars focused on the educational aspects of scientific communication. English must be used for the communication.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 At the end of this activity, the student is able to:
·       masters computer tools to prepare and present slideshows, as well as tools to prepare scientific graphics ;
·       present in English the context and state-of-the-art in the field of his work by defining the objectives and the followed methodology and /or experimental approach ;
·       present orally and in English the results that were obtained and the scientific interpretations that can be made from them, both to peers and experts in the field of bioengineering ;
·       identify the main achievements of his work and the prospects for future developments;
·       answer to open questions and justify his claims in a scientifically rigorous, balanced and critical way.
M.6.2., M.6.4., M.6.5., M.6.8., M.6.9.
In a coordinated manner, the master thesis promoters of the BIRE and BIRF programmes and the head of the programme committee take the initiative to bring together all the students that are offocially registered for the master thesis. A first meeting during the first quadrimester allows each student to present, in the form of a seminar of around fifteen minutes, the objective of their master thesis, the state of knowledge, the work program and the difficulties interviews. A second meeting during the 2nd semester aims to present, in the form of a seminar of around fifteen minutes, the objectives of the work, a summary of the research results and their discussions as well as the difficulties encountered. These meetings are followed by a discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of the oral presentation, the progress of the work, the proper maintenance of the research calendar and the student's critical thinking.
The seminar presentations are organized in sessions based on the themes and the promoters. The master thesis promoters and the head of the program committee will ensure that all students complete their two seminars. Students are required to attend a minimum number of other seminars by prioritizing topics close to their own theme, according to the terms and conditions communicated to them during the year. Students whose main promoter is not part of the Faculty will be responsible for organizing the seminars themselves, either in agreement with one of the Faculty's laboratories, or in the laboratory where they carry out their research. In the latter case, the promoter must confirm in writing that the student has completed both seminars.
Evaluation methods
The oral presentation presented at the public defense of the dissertation is the final outcome of the seminars given during the academic year. The note for this course corresponds to the evaluation of the oral presentation of the dissertation by the jury. This evaluation will focus on 2 points, with equivalent weights: (i) clarity of the presentation (quality of the slideshow, voice modulation, time allocation between the different parts of the presentation, keeping the public attention, etc.), and (ii) scientific rigor of the presentation (terminology, slide content, synthetic capacity, etc.).
This rule applies to all students, including those whose promoter is not a teacher of the faculty and those enrolled in the CPME training. The master thesis promoters and the head of the program committee will verify that all students have actually presented both seminars. Any student who do not meet the requirements of this course may be sanctioned (0/20) whatever the quality of the oral presentation during the master thesis defense.
Other information
This course can be taught in English.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

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