Production and Operations Management

lecge1223  2024-2025  Louvain-la-Neuve

Production and Operations Management
4.00 credits
30.0 h
Agrell Per Joakim; De wolf Daniel (compensates Agrell Per Joakim);

The prerequisite(s) for this Teaching Unit (Unité d’enseignement – UE) for the programmes/courses that offer this Teaching Unit are specified at the end of this sheet.
Main themes
Production and Operations Management can be broadly defined as comprising all those techniques and methods which are intended to organise activity at an individual, departmental or company level. The course is structured around the following components: " Characteristics of products/services and processes; " Short, medium and long term planning of production activities " Inventory management and demand forecasting; " Quality Management. " Project management (Optional)
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 This is an introductory course to Production and Operations Management. By the end of the course, students be able to: " Draw parallels between issues in everyday life and production and/or operations management issues; " Understand the ins and outs of such issues; " Master the basic techniques applied to such issues; " choose and apply the most appropriate technique; " pass a judgement on their final decision. (express opinions on how the issues should be solved) Close attention will be paid to the development of a rational and structured approach to these issues and an awareness of the links between the various issues in production and operations management.
This course is about "Production & Operation Management" and is taught in French.
Teaching methods
METHOD: The teaching modes in this course are of two types: 1. lectures explaining the main concepts and the main solution methods; 2. solving examples of application of these concepts and methods.
Evaluation methods
A written exam for solving closed-book exercises (limited to one paper per student). The achievement of the following objectives will be tested during the evaluation: Objective 1: resolve a scheduling or inventory management problem (operational decisions) Objective 2: know how to solve a production planning problem (tactical decision) Objective 3: project management and design of a production center (strategic decisions) Objective 4: know how to formulate, solve with Excel and interpret the solution to a production problem.
Other information
Syllabus on sale at the DUC.
Online resources
Information and course materials on the Moodle LECGE 1223 website.
  1. GIARD, Gestion de la production et des flux,  Economica, 2003.
  2. BAGLIN, BRUEL, KERBACHE,  NEHME et  VAN DELFT, Management Industriel et Logistique, Economica, 2013.
  3. MAC CLAIN, et al., Operations Management: Production of Goods and Services, Prentice Hall, 1992.
Teaching materials
  • Gestion de la production et des opérations, Daniel De Wolf, Syllabus du cours, 147 pages, version 23 août 2024.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Minor in Management (ESPO students)

Minor in Mangement (basic knowledge)

Bachelor in Economics and Management