Learning outcomes

1. Graduate’s outlook (professional expectations)

Professional focus: interdisciplinary approach to the family and the couple

To become an expert in the field of the couple and the family, with an approach which takes account of sexuality and gender, is the challenge faced by the graduate of the Master in Family and Sexuality Studies, Professional focus “interdisciplinary approach to the family and the couple”. The School of Family and Sexuality Studies (ESFA) at UCL aims to train graduates who promote the well-being of people in their lives as a family or couple; while interacting with professionals from many disciplines at micro, meso and/or macro levels, depending on the situation.
Students who enrol on this course already hold a Bachelor’s degree or a degree from a “Haute Ecole” (as a nurse, social worker, etc.; cf. admission requirements) and are undoubtedly already working professionals. They wish to acquire a university Master’s degree centred around issues related to the couple and the family. They will utilise their acquired knowledge and experience throughout the programme.
On completion of the Master’s, the graduates will have acquired a broad base of knowledge, theories, tools and methods in the different disciplines required to understand the issues related to the field of the couple and the family.
They will use their knowledge and skills to understand, analyse and respond to situations and issues in the field of the couple and the family, in all its complexity:
- using an academic approach centred on analysis and a strict methodology;
- using a multidisciplinary approach, adopting a critical and discerning attitude with regard to the contributions of other disciplines;
- using questioning that takes account of sexuality and gender;
- communicating and interacting relevantly and appropriately with the different actors involved in a given situation;
- taking account of the context;
- complying with deontological and ethical rules;
- proposing courses of action to resolve the situation/problem.
Through their choice of option, the graduates will have directed their training towards either the issue of Gender or the issue of Ethics, or to an additional path to other disciplines.
They question, enhance and consolidate their professional practice by critically reviewing their own work with regard to knowledge resulting from research and by adopting an academic approach. They will be committed to continuous development, which will allow them to exercise their profession demonstrating expertise, flexibility and an ability to adapt and to evolve in their role.


2. The reference framework for learning outcomes

On successful completion of this programme, each student is able to :

FC.1 To master, in a critical manner and using an interdisciplinary approach, a body of knowledge relating to the various disciplines required for an understanding of the issues related to the field of the couple and the family.


To have a critical and in-depth knowledge and understanding, by identifying the assumptions and limits, of the principal theoretical and conceptual models of the different disciplines which are related to the issues in the field of FC.


Using an interdisciplinary approach, to put into perspective the principal theoretical and conceptual models of the different disciplines which are related to the issues in the field of FC.


To understand and analyse in a critical and in-depth manner scientific literature in the field of FC in both French and English.


To identify and critically analyse the knowledge resulting from research that is likely to enlighten a particular issue in the field of FC.

FC.2 To create and complete a research project, implementing a rigorous interdisciplinary, scientific and methodological approach, to explore in detail a research question in the field of the couple and the family.


To produce a review of the literature concerning a complex issue in the field of FC.


To set out and define a research question.


To adopt a critical attitude with regard to knowledge that is available and used, questioning its validity and relevance in relation to the research issue/question being studied.


To construct and implement a rigorous methodology providing a response to the research question.


To reflect on the research issue/question demonstrating conceptual abstraction and scientifically methodising the issue and its psychological, sociological, penal, cultural, economic and political factors, and to create hypotheses.


To understand and use data-gathering and analysis tools relevant to the study of the research question.

FC.2.7 To design and execute a programme of empirical, quantitative and qualitative research, using the appropriate statistical analysis tools with regard to the research question.
FC.2.8 To analyse and interpret the results and produce a reasoned critique.
FC.2.9 To demonstrate the ability to summarise and form conclusions.
FC.2.10 To demonstrate an attitude of critical detachment with regard to research practices
FC.2.11 Demonstrate the rigour, accuracy and critical thinking essential for any academic approach.


Using an academic and interdisciplinary approach, to analyse an issue/situation in the field of the couple and the family in order to formulate courses of action and to intervene effectively, taking account of the context.


To understand and analyse an FC issue/situation using an academic and interdisciplinary approach.

- To be familiar with, understand, analyse and critically examine different institutions in the field of FC.

- To document an FC issue/situation using any relevant sources of information.

- To analyse the context and characteristics of the public sectors concerned with a view to identifying the FC issue and defining the priority needs and objectives.

- To consider in detail and analyse an FC issue/situation:

  • pertinently with regard to the context, needs and priority objectives;
  • using an interdisciplinary approach, adopting a critical and discerning attitude with regard to the contributions of other disciplines;
  • using questioning that takes account of sexuality and gender;
  • using an academic approach centred on analysis and a strict methodology,
  • selecting and applying in a critical manner the theoretically and empirically validated concepts and models, as well as the relevant tools;
  • using French and English academic literature from different disciplines,
  • selecting, justifying, reviewing and applying tools for collating and analysing pertinent data, using a rigorous and empirical approach;
  • taking account of the sociocultural factors related to the issue.



To formulate courses of action/an intervention project in order to act appropriately with regard to the FC issue/situation, justifying its methodological validity and contextual relevance.

- To master the methodological tools related to the development of an intervention project, including the evaluation of its relevance and validity.
- To develop practical courses of action or decision-making in the field of FC (e.g.: health, youth support, family policy, interculturality, gender issues), justifying its relevance in relation to the situation while taking account of the analysis of this situation, the constraints and the resources of those involved, and of social, legal, political, cultural and economic issues.
- Verify the methodological validity and contextual relevance of an intervention project.


To coordinate the implementation of an intervention project in order to act appropriately with regard to the FC issue/situation and evaluate its effectiveness.

- To control the methodological tools related to the implementation and evaluation of the effectiveness of an intervention project.
- To implement (advise, coordinate and/or manage) the intervention project in a real situation.
- To assess their own competences with regard to the planned intervention and, if necessary, to consult with contacts or refer to another professional in the field of FC.
- To evaluate intervention and prevention projects in the field of FC in terms of effectiveness:

  • identify appropriate evaluation methods and actors;
  • implement a method for collecting evaluation data;
  • analyse the quality and effectiveness of a plan or intervention.
FC.3.4 To compare actual practice with theoretical knowledge (alternating between theory and practice) in order to critically examine an issue and/or the functioning of an institution and to improve their own practice.
FC.3.5 To review routine practices and develop new alternatives in the field of FC.

FC.4 To communicate appropriate, accurate and relevant information to a targeted group and to interact respectfully and constructively with the different actors involved in a given situation.


To communicate verbally and in writing, on complex subjects in the field of the couple and the family (information, ideas, observations, conclusions, proposed interventions, and the underlying knowledge and principles) in a correct, structured, objective and logical manner and in accordance with the standards of communication specific to the context, adapting their communication (content and form) to the target group and to the relevant purposes.

FC.4.2 To converse respectfully and constructively with assorted stakeholders (colleagues, specialists in other disciplines: professionals in law, sociology, health, etc.) about issues related to the field of FC, demonstrating the ability to listen, keep an open mind, empathise and be assertive.
FC.4.3 To interact and collaborate effectively within a multidisciplinary team and network effectively with other agencies involved in a given situation.
FC.4.4 To prepare and communicate messages concerning prevention, awareness and education appropriate for FC target groups.
FC.4.5 To communicate, converse and interact effectively with decision-makers and target groups in the field of FC.

FC.5 To act while complying with and applying the ethical and deontological principles related to their practice in the field of the couple and the family.


To be familiar with, comply with and apply the legal frameworks and ethical codes which govern practices in the field of FC in their relations with other professionals and stakeholders in a given situation.

FC.5.2 To demonstrate the ability to distance themself from their prejudices, points of view and cultural values.
FC.5.3 To apply the rules relating to ethical research in their work, exams and relationships with fellow professionals.
FC.5.4 To take a position with regard to the issue of professional secrecy and to refer to the rules of ethics.
FC.5.5 Take a stand on the issue of professional secrecy and refer to ethical rules.
FC.5.6 To analyse ethical dilemmas and to argue for the chosen solutions.

FC.6 To act as an academic and as a critical and responsible player, committed to continuous development.


To build and embark on a professional practice using a science-based approach (from a theoretical and methodological perspective) characterised by critical objectivity.

FC.6.2 To develop the attitude of self-assessment, learning and continuous development required to evolve positively in a professional environment.
FC.6.3 To identify and use such resources as will be useful for their ongoing training and professional development.
FC.6.4 To independently identify and integrate the new knowledge and essential skills required for a rapid understanding of new contexts and/or situations, to identify their limitations and, if necessary, to consult appropriate contacts.