Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this programme, each student is able to :


In terms of general skills

1. Demonstrate mastery of basic concepts relating to the understanding of the media from the angle of their technical devices, the social systems which generate and result from them, and the epistemic systems which generate and are their products.


Demonstrate mastery of basic concepts relating to the understanding of media and information management from the perspective of their technical devices, the social systems which generate and result from them, and the epistemic systems which generate and are from them products.


Apply these concepts to different contexts of time and place.


Analyze and evaluate the objects and processes of media circulation of knowledge in different social, political and cultural contexts in order to account for their effectiveness and the social, political and cultural issues that they reveal and produce.


Demonstrate advanced skills in contemporary media literacy.

  • Read and navigate among media, according to their informational, technical and social dimensions.
  • Produce and organize media, in their informational, technical and social dimensions.

Diagnose people's skills in using the media according to their informational, technical and social dimensions.


Design and implement the steps of a research.

  • Gather scientific documentation relating to a theme.
  • Formulate a research question relating to a knowledge mediatization problem.
  • Select and implement the methodological procedures for collecting, analyzing and synthesizing data necessary to carry out research.
  • Write a report on research and its popularization.
1.7. When faced with a problem, demonstrate the ability to imagine alternative solutions and choose the best one.

Work effectively in groups and alone.

1.9. Meet the standards of level B2 of the "Common European Framework of Reference for Languages" in spoken and read English and in a second spoken and read foreign language. Level B1 will be reached in terms of written expression.


In terms of sectoral skills,

10. When faced with a problem, demonstrate the ability to imagine alternative solutions and choose the best one.


For students following the “design and evaluation of educational media” focus:

2.1. a

Expertly master the media considered as vectors of knowledge.

The subject of the graduate's skills extends to media considered as vectors of knowledge, in all the socio-technical modalities of their production, circulation, reception, exploration and collection.


As a project manager, design, manage and evaluate complex systems and documents intended to enable different audiences to construct, appropriate and share knowledge, opinions and feelings about any subject likely to 'interest. Concretely, this covers awareness, prevention, promotion, documentation, conservation, training, teaching about contemporary subjects such as citizenship, culture, arts, environment, development, security , health, etc.

  • Identify communication solutions to an individual or social problem of a complex nature.
  • Choose a communication intervention strategy.
  • Design a message or media device.
  • Supervise a multidisciplinary production group.
  • Support the broadcast.
  • Design evaluation criteria based on existing indicators.
  • Summarize the results and propose optimizations.


Ensure the operation of the aforementioned devices, in correct conditions of security and informational, technical and social resilience.


Manage your personal knowledge base about media sectors and their operating modes of intervention.


Identify the evolution of technologies, productions and knowledge media systems, and build up a dynamic literacy.

  • Monitor this development.
  • Master the technical skills in the IT and digital fields necessary to perform the functions of knowledge media manager.
  • Act as a mediator between technology professionals and people or institutions requesting knowledge mediation devices.
  • Act in promoting societal issues of sharing knowledge and collective intelligence.
  • Take a critical look, scientifically based and anchored from an epistemological point of view, on the image of computing and digital technology and on their social, cultural, economic and political implications.
  • Master the forms of regulation (laws, regulations, standards, habits and customs) specific to the field.


Identify the knowledge, skills and cultures of different social groups and draw on them appropriately.


Master the assessment of media skills of different audiences and the conditions for their development.


Adopt a professional attitude in the workplace:

Participate in the management of stakeholder institutions, in particular assume the various tasks inherent to the management and coordination functions of a service, within a public or private organization, with a general or specialized purpose, with a local or regional vocation, national or even international.
Engage in professional practice by having integrated a logic of continuous development, particularly within professional networks by participating and collaborating in their activities and projects.
Train and inform employees in the design and evaluation of knowledge media.
Critically use basic audio-scripto-visual communication and coordination tools and their network uses.


Develop research to advance professional practices in educational media engineering.


For students following the “digital information management” focus:


Expertly master digital information and its management systems.

The subject of the graduate's skills extends to digital information taken in the broad sense (electronic literary text, linguistic survey data, audiovisual document, etc.), as well as the critical understanding of the principles governing the structured management of these information.


As a digital information manager, know how to encode, organize, edit or format, sort or search information within a complex management system, with a view to allowing the conservation and appropriate dissemination of this information or documents, respecting their life cycle and the legal provisions in force.


Ensure the establishment and proper functioning of digital information management systems, from data structuring to the implementation of ad hoc management software, including the creation of (retro)digitization protocols, coding, structuring and queries.


Given the manipulation of large volumes of digital data, with strong textual components, the student will have the ability to use computer techniques for automatic processing of this data and will be familiar with the intellectual approach accompanying this type of processing in the human sciences .


Identify the evolution of information management issues in the human sciences:

Be familiar with monitoring instruments in the field
In terms of research: understanding of critical and epistemological issues (i.e. “Digital Humanities”).
On a professional level: understanding of the evolution of tools and methods in different professional contexts of digital information management (publishing, documentation and archives center, libraries, etc.)

Identify users' needs in terms of knowledge and information, and know how to adapt the management system and processing and dissemination methods appropriately.


Master the choice of methods, technologies, tools, as well as vocabulary appropriate to any information management system development project. This skill notably involves the ability to work in a multidisciplinary context.


Adopt a professional attitude in the workplace:

Participate in the management of stakeholder institutions, in particular assume the various tasks inherent to the management and coordination functions of a service, within a public or private organization, with a general or specialized purpose, with a local or regional vocation, national or even international.
Engage in professional practice by having integrated a logic of continuous development, particularly within professional networks by participating and collaborating in their activities and projects.
Train and inform employees in the appropriate management of digital information.
Critically use the tools for producing, preserving and disseminating this information.


Develop research to develop professional practices in digital information management.