
The evaluation methods comply with the regulations concerning studies and exams. More detailed explanation of the modalities specific to each learning unit are available on their description sheets under the heading “Learning outcomes evaluation method”.

Theoretical and practical exams of the three undergraduate years in Dental Sciences (DENT 21 , 22 et 23). "Ongoing" evaluation carried out by the practical training supervisor every six months, also taking into consideration the "savoir," the "savoir-être" and the "savoir-faire" of the candidate.

At the end of the first two years (FUS) of the foundation studies and in conformity with the Ministerial Decree of 16 March, 1999, an oral evaluation, by a jury composed of all the work experience supervisors and the members of the French-speaking Ministerial Commission for the recognition of specialists in Stomatology and maxillo-facial surgery is carried out and involves:
• the presentation of 3 clinical cases
• the resolution and discussion of a clinical case presented by the jury
• an average score of 60% is needed and is sufficient for passing this exam ; in case of failure, the candidate is authorised to retake the exam once again within 3 months, but in August at the latest (possibly after a complement of training depending on the directives of the jury). The final evaluation is carried out by a jury composed of the university and non-university practical training supervisors, and by members of the French-speaking Ministerial Commission for the recognition of specialists in Stomatology and maxillo-facial surgery and involves :
• Theory: theoretical questions from the European Board
• Clinical studies : presentation of clinical cases personally diagnosed and treated
• Practical studies : resolution of clinical cases presented by the members of the jury
• Scientific cases : scientific pieces of work, published and/or presented before scientific societies.

Upon fulfilment of the above-described training requirements, the teaching committee will award the academic title in Stomatology. This title does not replace official recognition by the ministerial validation committee. It attests the successful completion of an academic and scientific study programme in the context of specialised training leading to this validation.