Leuven/Louvain Adolescents Survey
cirfase |
Cirfase is joining forces with FAPOS (KULeuven) this year to carry out a major survey on the daily life and difficulties encountered by teenagers, called LAdS for Leuven/Louvain Adolescents Survey. This survey has existed on the Flemish side since 2009, where it was previously called the Leuvens Adolescenten- en Gezinnenonderzoek (lago) (www.soc.kuleuven.be/lago), and this year we would like to extend the scheme to the FWB.
This survey is being carried out in collaboration with master's students in sociology from the UCLouvain and the KULeuven. It was born out of the observation that young people today grow up in very diverse family situations (nuclear families, single-parent families, blended families, transnational families, etc.). The aim of LadS is to map this diversity and to understand how it influences the beliefs, attitudes and well-being of young people.
At UCLouvain, this survey is conducted under the direction of Prof. Laura Merla, with the collaboration of Jonathan Dedonder, Ghaliya Djelloul, Sarah Murru and Sarah Smit, and students of the Master in Sociology :
Raffaele Freri Donatella Clabotz Albane de Crombrugghe de Lo Fatima Errady Noémie Godenir
Patrick Kipasa Mayifulu Vincent La Paglia Zélie Legros Nerea Motte dit Falisse Cyprien Ntirugirimbabaz
Erwan Ongemack Aurore Phan Manh Thien Eléonore Robinson Adelle Royer Florent Vandermensbrugghe
To access the webpage of the FaPos, our partner at the KULeuven, dedicated to this project, please click here (hyperlink) : https://soc.kuleuven.be/ceso/fapos/ongoingprojects/lago)
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