Center for High Performance Computing and Mass Storage

CISM  HPC  Mass Storage    Support  Training  Consulting 

The initials “CISM” stand for “Calcul Intensif et Stockage de Masse”, or high-performance computing and mass storage. It was created in 2004 at UCLouvain by the users of the HPC facilities coming from different Departments in the University. The CISM operates the scientific computing clusters and the scientific data storage systems installed at UCLouvain, organizes and delivers training sessions about HPC targeted at researchers and offers consultancy and expertise in code porting, optimization, compilation, etc.


CISM Newsletter 24.03

The topics are :   Maintenance week July Training sessions Fall 2024 See the details.

2023 CISM annual report available

Every year, around mid-March, we publish our activity report, written in French. You must be authenticated to have access to those Activity Reports.