Academic year opening 2024-2025
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"Hence the urgent need to emphasise kindness...: to practice this state of mind without fear, without shame, without moderation and without nuance."Didier van Cauwelaert, La bienveillance est une arme absolue, Eds de l'Observatoire, 2019 |
The official opening session of the 2024-2025 academic year was held this year on Monday 16 September in Louvain-la-Neuve under the theme ‘Reinvigorating the university: creating an inspiring future together’.
3.30 pm: mass presided over by Msgr. Luc Terlinden, archbishop of Malines-Bruxelles
Performed by the Louvain University Choir -
6.00 pm: opening ceremony
Guest speeker: Jan Noterdaeme (photo), co-founder of the CSR Europe network, which brings together one hundred companies and national organizations across Europe to address issues of sustainability and corporate social responsibility. Title of his presentation: “Towards integral graduation for integral development 2025 - 2625”.
Françoise Smets, UCLouvain Rector
Jean Hilgers, Chairman of the Board UCLouvain
Lucie Nicosia, Chairwoman of the General Assembly of the UCLouvain Students (AGLouvain)
Caroline Dossogne, Chairwoman of the Corps technique et administratif (CORTA)
7.30 pm: reception
Watch the replay of the ceremony