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Specialised master’s course in public health methodology

fsp | Bruxelles Woluwe

The specialised master’s course in public health methodology (MPHM2MC) allows health professionals to specialise. It aims to achieve the overall objective of “ensuring methodological approaches and decision-making in public health that are consistent with the needs of populations, communities and individuals”. The course is taught in English over one academic year and is run jointly by ULB (coordinator), UMONS and UCLouvain.

In brief

The specialised master’s course in public health methodology is organised by the following universities:

  • Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB), School of Public Health (coordinator)
  • Université catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain), Faculty of Public Health
  • University of Mons (UMONS), Warocqué Faculty of Economics and Management and Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy

This course aims to strengthen the link between academic research and applied topics such as public health programmes and health systems management. It provides graduates with the knowledge and skills to undertake public health research as well as to provide leadership and technical support for public health programmes and policies, particularly in middle- and low-income countries.

View the full programme (ULB).

Admission requirements

View admission requirements (ULB).

Practical information

View practical information and enrolment procedure (ULB).

Your future job

Graduates pursue careers in global and national health planning and policy, academic and operational research, and advisory roles for governments and international agencies.