8th Philippe de Woot Award Ceremony
Thursday, 21 March 2024, 08h00Thursday, 21 March 2024, 17h00
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Professor Koen Vandenbempt, Dean of the Faculty of Business and Economics – UAntwerpen
Professor Matthieu de Nanteuil, Dean of the Louvain School of Management – UCLouvain
Professor Luc Van Liedekerke, Professor of Business Ethics and Chair of the Committee on Ethics and Sustainability at the Faculty of Business and Economics – UAntwerpen
The Organization Committee of the Philippe de Woot Award 2024
The Academic Partners
The Louvain Foundation
The Corporate, Institutional and Private Donors
have the pleasure to invite you to the 8th Philippe de Woot Award Ceremony
for Best Master Thesis on Corporate Social Responsibility
March 21, 2024, 18.00 - Aula Rector Dhanis, Universiteit Antwerpen
17.30 Welcome
18.00 Opening ceremony
18.10 Award top 3 nominees' presentations
18.40 Announcement of the winner of the 8th Philippe de Woot Award
Musical Intermezzo by the Cusk Collective: Ear to Sea
18.50 “Impact Investing: a CSR accelerator” by Eric Archambeau
19.30 Reception with walking dinner