Mathématiques et Musiques
Friday, 29 November 2024, 08h00Friday, 29 November 2024, 17h00
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Mathematics and Music
On Friday, November 29, 2024, at 8 PM
at the Chapelle des Sœurs Noires in Mons
This annual musical gathering has been held for several years. Olivier De Spiegeleir, an alumnus of UCLouvain (Water and Forest Engineering, 1982) and internationally renowned pianist, shares his passion for piano with alumni. By dissecting various piano pieces according to a theme and enriching them with anecdotes related to the musical passages and/or their composers, he helps to (better) discover, perceive, and appreciate them.
This year, lovers of notes and numbers, Olivier De Spiegeleir invites you in November on a fabulous journey with companions such as Bach, Beethoven, Haydn, Bartok, Debussy, etc., during which the parallel destinies of music and mathematics will be narrated. Consonances and dissonances, harmonies and rhythms, the golden ratio, and divine proportions illustrate this recital reconciling two noble disciplines that have built our society.
“Music is a sound mathematics; mathematics is a silent music.” (Édouard Herriot)
Practical Information:
Chapelle des Soeurs Noires, 2 rue des Soeurs Noires, 7000 Mons
Doors open at 7:30 PM
The recital lasts 1.5 hours and will be followed by a drink.
Admission Fee: €20 for contributing members and their partners; €30 for non-members.
To register, please contact your association by email.