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The school

lsm | Louvain-la-Neuve, Mons, Charleroi

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Join the people using management as a force for good.

We are Louvain School of Management (LSM), UCLouvain's international management faculty with campuses in Louvain-la-Neuve, Mons and Charleroi. As an international leader in responsible management education, we offer a wide range of programmes in business engineering and management science. Proudly part of UCLouvain, a historic European research university renowned for its high global standing and humanist values, we are committed to forming enlightened and enlightening leaders who care about people and places, and who put human values at the center of the enterpriseAccredited by EQUIS since 2006, we are also the exclusive Belgian partner for the prestigious and internationally recognized CEMS Master's in International Management.

Key Facts:

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Why choose Louvain School of Management?

  • 1

    Ranking of our Master's Degree in Business Engineering in Europe
  • 81

    Portion of our students seeking for a job secured it 1 year after graduating.
  • 80+

    Portion of our courses covering ERS topics

Our Rankings

LSM EQUIS accredited since 2006, the leading Quality Improvement System for Business Schools LSM is the unique Belgian partner of the CEMS & PIM network
LSM Ranked by Eduniversal as one of the 50 best business schools worldwide, and 1st in Belgium since 2009 LSM Ranked 1st in Belgium & Europe for the Master in Business Engineering Eduniversal 2024
LSM Ranked in the top 20 for the CEMS-Master in International Management (QS Ranking 2024), is currently No. 11 LSM Ranked 46th Worldwide for the Master in Business Engineering ranking 2024


European Quality Improvement System (EQUIS) is the leading international system of Quality Assessment, Quality Improvement, and Accreditation of Higher Education Institutions in management and business administration. The EQUIS Scheme has been designed by EFMD, the European Foundation for Management Development, with a special focus on all the activities of business schools that aim to meet international standards of quality. The fundamental objective of EQUIS is to raise the quality of management education worldwideEQUIS gathers 182 institutions worldwide in about 40 countries.

LSM has been EQUIS accredited since 2006 and received a five-year accreditation in 2019.

cems logo

CEMS – the Global Alliance in Management Education – has been ranked 11th in the 2024 QS Masters in Management rankings.

Our CEMS Masters in International Management programme (MIM) was ranked 13th worldwide in 2020 by Financial Times.
The most international Master’s in Management in the world, taken by the largest international cohort.


The Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) is a United Nations Global Compact-supported initiative with the mission to inspire and champion responsible management education, research, and thought leadership globally. Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) become signatories to the Six Principles of PRME, which are inspired by internationally accepted values and provide an engagement structure for academic institutions to advance social responsibility through the incorporation of universal values into curricula and research. PRME seeks to establish a process of continuous improvement among institutions of management education to develop a new generation of business leaders capable of managing the complex challenges faced by business and society in the 21st century.

LSM information on the progress report


The LSM has the honorable ranking of being one of the 50 best business schools worldwide, and 1st in Belgium, continuously from 2009 to 2024. LSM is also the only Belgian management school with the highest rank (5 Palmes of Excellence, “Strong Global Influence”).

Rankings for the Louvain School of Management programmes:

  • INEO is 2nd worldwide, 1st in Belgium, in the Entrepreneurship category;

  • Master in International Business is 5th in Western Europe, 1st in Belgium, in the International Management category;

  • Master in Management (GEST2M) is 3rd in Western Europe, and 1st in Belgium, in the General Management category.

Financial Times


The Financial Times ranked the Louvain School of Management’s Master in Business Engineering as Belgium’s No. 2 management master, and 46th in the world in 2024.



Le CFA Institute délivre la certification de Chartered Financial Analyst® (CFA®), un des titres de référence mondialement reconnu dans le domaine de la finance. L’objectif du CFA Institute est de développer l’excellence professionnelle et le comportement éthique dans la communauté financière.



LSM is part of PIM (Partnership in International Management). PIM is a consortium of leading international business schools, founded in 1973. Each member institution represents the highest degree of excellence in the fields of business administration and management, demonstrates leadership in its geographic region, and delivers an MBA or a graduate-equivalent degree in management. PIM facilitates the development of international cooperation among members, fostering the development of joint programs, student and faculty exchange, joint research, and cooperation among faculty members and researchers.

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