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Water Governance downstream of the Sidi Salem dam in Tunisia

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Short Project description

This doctoral dissertation tries to question -and provide a critical analysis of- the current modes of water management. These modes, characterized (especially, but not only) by “depoliticization”, are also based on the logic of “modern water” and on an orientation towards a “water-demand management” policy. In addition, this doctoral thesis attempts to understand how certain “fatalistic” discourses (relating for example to the “water crisis” or “water scarcity”) can serve multiple logics/interests, and, at the same time, reproduce and create inequality(ies).

Keywords, main expertise

Water Governance, Institutional bricolage, (de)politicization

Funding bodies

Fondation Louvain (Louvain4water), Wallonie-Bruxelles International (WBI)

UCLouvain promotor(s)

Prof. Dr. Vincent Legrand

Prof. Dr. Marnik Vanclooster

UCLouvain researcher(s)

Kais Bouazzi

External partners

Faculté des sciences juridiques, politiques et sociales de Tunis (Tunisia)

Ecole Supérieure des Ingénieurs de Medjez El Bab (Tunisia)